Ovulation feels like appendicitis and/or ... - Endometriosis UK

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Ovulation feels like appendicitis and/or kidney pain

Fidoanddaisy profile image
19 Replies

Hi, New here. Am 47 and started perimenopause, I’ve been getting very bad mid cycle pain for the last few years which has made my endo and periods a million times worse. I’ve started ovulating about 2 days ago, I’m suspecting my right side as I have the most severe pain in that area but it’s so severe I’m worried about appendicitis (I know drama Queen ... sorry) but pain is going further up and mimicking kidney pain (also radiating round to the back). Anyone else had this? I have a high pain threshold I think as I have chronic pains like arthritis and back pain but this started off at an 8 and has mellowed to about a 6 - that’s a good sign surely?? But feel like I’ve been booted in the side. Sorry for the introductory moan 🤣

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19 Replies
Bethleah profile image

Get it checked out just in case. I have Endo on my left ureter which causes reduced functional in my kidney so I have to be very careful. As yours is in the right you have to be even more careful due to the appendix as you say. Call the nhs or gp this morning ASAP they may just reassure you it they may want to see you. Even if the pain has reduced call if only for peace of mind x

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Bethleah

Thanks. I am waiting for GP call back. It’s not got worse, maybe slightly easier although might just have gotten used to the pain now! Xx

Gill1977 profile image

Hi there- sorry to hear that you're suffering. I'm 43 and reckon I'm a member of the perimenopause stage too - It's horrendous! I also experience the pain you mentioned but I get it more often that just during ovulation. It's worth getting it checked out however - given the various organs we have on that side. I've yet to find an explanation as to why I experience this pain (appendix removed years ago, no endo found during recent lap just a bulky uterus, lots of tiny fibroids and a cyst on my left). I do know that lots of unexplained aches and pains can be down to our changing erratic hormones during this time in our life - I've just come through what I can only describe as the most horrific morning sickness - yet I'm not pregnant! Definitely go get it checked out....just to be on safe side. Wishing you a pain free day Xx

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Gill1977

Oh thank you. Yes perimenopause is horrific and sadly not even talked about. Everyone bangs in about menopause and hot flushes but it’s a lot more than that and can start up to 10 years before the actual cessation of periods. I’m waiting on GP to call. I’m going to go back on the mini pill to manage everything. It’s just draining and have noticed my periods and endo pain are a lot worse since peri. I’m sorry you are also in pain. Thankfully the pain hasn’t got worse overnight and might be a little easier to cope with but nevertheless it’s still there - maybe I’ve stretched and pulled a muscle...it’s happened before elsewhere and I’ve not realised 🥴

Boxclever1 profile image

I wasnt going to reply (thinking I had nothing to add) until I read your last sentence about being kicked in the side - that was word-for-word how I described my pain to the doctors. So, just to put it out there, when I had ovarian-but-feels-like-kidney-pain, radiating to my back, it turned out I had a tubo-ovarian abscess. Do you have any infection symptoms (nausea, sweats, fever, shakes)? During this time I had occasional nighttime 'episodes' of these.

I definitely think it's worth you being checked out by GP. An abscess can be seen on ultrasound, or the infection with a blood test. An abscess is a medical emergency (risk of sepsis) requiring antibiotics, so it needs to be excluded.

NB. It was thought my abscess was caused by an endometrioma getting infected (the trapped blood is an ideal medium for bacterial growth) so this ties in with your underlying endometrial condition.

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Boxclever1

Ah that’s interesting. And sorry you had to go through that...scary. No I don’t have any of those symptoms you mentioned. I’ll see what the GP says when he calls me today. Thanks for replying x

Fidoanddaisy profile image

Thanks for the replies ladies. I’m so grateful xxx

Spireite profile image

49, and an unofficial member of the perimenopause stage (first lap supposedly happening in Jan, but it has been seen on USS).

My periods have got a lot better over the last couple of years, but ovulation and the run up to a period is what has finally got me to the stage where my GP hasn't just 'run some blood tests' and then sent me a prescription for iron tablets.

I wouldn't so much describe mine as pain, but just like everything in my abdomen is tight and sore., but it when it hits, everything feels uncomfortable, and I'm absolutely exhausted.

It does make my kidneys and back pound a bit towards the end and, weirdly, when I finally start to feel better after ovulating, my next pee is very strong in colour, like I've been dehydrated. Only happens the once, then it returns to normal colour. It is like my system has had a truck load of hormone byproducts to get rid of.

Moan away, it is crap!

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Spireite

I’ve never noticed the weird pee colour but will inspect as you say! 🤣 I’ve noticed everything has changed with my whole cycle. It’s exhausting and I’m just at the stage when I would like to be pain free. It’s like a 3+ week cycle and my whole body is affected by hormones or lack of them. I too get that tight feeling you mentioned and kidney and back area painDon’t get me on the swollen painful boobs 😩 I’ll be shocked if GP thinks it’s appendicitis now. I wouldn’t have been last night but while it’s still sharp pain in my side and top of pelvis area, and dull kicked feeling in side and flank I have no other symptoms of Appendicitis- I’m taking a little comfort from that. Oh misery loves company doesn’t it?! 🤣 men do not realise what ease they have!! Thanks for replying xx

Fidoanddaisy profile image

Well GP just rang. What a dick! Told him history and started banging on about contraceptive injection! Was on that years ago and ended up with chemical menopause and osteopenia- he said impossible and I say well the GP and Gynae told me that and he starts saying it’s not true! Fuck (sorry) sake. Was absolutely reluctant to give me mini pill for whatever reason I don’t know! In the end I insisted and getting script to pharmacy today. Told him about pain in my side - nothing! What a waste of time that was! Well if it gets worse it’s an ambulance I guess. Always remember not every GP finished in the top 50% in their class. Some scraped through. I’m in dental sales and that a common thought about them too! 🤬😤

Gill1977 profile image
Gill1977 in reply to Fidoanddaisy

Oh no! I'm really sorry to hear that the gp was less than helpful. Is your pain under your ribs too? In your back?As for the boob situation- I hear you! Feels like someone is trying to rip them from my body! Headaches, bloating that is out of control, horrendous tummy issues....who'd be a women eh? My poor wee family can't look at me without me returning the death stare!

I've actually got a call with gp this evening....I'm on day 7 of my cycle and for the past 2 weeks I've felt utterly horrendous. Just looking for answers really.🤞 xx

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Gill1977

Oh Gill, I laughed. Yes my family are sick of me - well my husband is probably.

No pain under ribs all feels like a really bad stitch now. Defo must be ovulation. I think that my endo is that side too so that’s not helping! Best of luck with your GP xx

Fidoanddaisy profile image

Hi Ladies, just wanted to update you on my problem. Had to call to the doctors re the pain in my right side. Turns out it is probable kidney stone(s) have been given an antibiotic just in case it’s a UTI but told to call back if pain doesn’t get better or I get the sudden pain like Sunday and they’ll send me for an ultrasound to see if they need to blast it. Been told I’ve either passed it or may do in the next day or so and to listen out for a “tink” sound when I wee as it will make a noise when it hits the toilet! Loooovely! 🤣 btw this was a Woman Nurse Practitioner that I spoke to. Better than that arsehole man doctor. Don’t you find the NP’s are actually better than the GP’s? Xxx

Moon_maiden profile image

Hi I was diagnosed endo last December, age 51, very similar symptoms, plus frequency, etc. GP’s ignored everything and went private for diagnosis. My uterus was also enlarged with Fibroids. Had lap Feb, still issues, hysterectomy three weeks ago.Don’t let them take age into consideration with a diagnosis, they should look at it properly.

Just seen above post. When I had an ultrasound last December it was for kidney stones, started off this route as it showed fibroids, bladder etc all ok. One idiot woman GP told me to expect kidney stones and UTI’s at my age!

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Moon_maiden

You poor soul. That’s painful. My sister has fibroids. Has been to the gynae more times in 5 years than I don’t know what and still gets conflicting prognosis’s. You were right to go private. I fractured my foot last year and went to GP said take painkillers and use RICE technique - no explanation. Remembered I had Bupa through work 3 months later!! Seen immediately MRI/CAT scan X-rays - stress fracture! Moon boot for 2 months and 3000iu of VIT D.

Interesting about your kidney stones. I hope you’re doing ok. I was made redundant from my dental sales job in the summer but am at final stage for another one selling clear braces to dentists 🤞🏻 Final interview start of Jan so I’m im lucky enough to get it 🙏🏻 I’ll get the private med ins again..I have a long list haha!

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Fidoanddaisy

Good luck for Jan 🙂I never had kidney stones, just a GP spouting nonsense because she couldn’t be bothered 🙄🤣had fluctuations in levels throughout, but last op he had to clear the ureters of adhesions before he could do anything else.

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to Moon_maiden

Thank you. Some GP’s just can’t be bothered and patients are a nuisance- they should be looking for different employment. Xx

e-m-1029 profile image

Hi, I have the exact same problem as you, so will be hoping for any advice as well.

My lower right abdomen has a stabbing pain and it radiates into by side and seems to almost wrap around my ribs?

Fidoanddaisy profile image
Fidoanddaisy in reply to e-m-1029

Hope you get it sorted. Mine still very painful since Sunday. X

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