On a scale of 1-10 how much has endometri... - Endometriosis UK

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On a scale of 1-10 how much has endometriosis interfered with your mood in the past week

EndoUK_Comms profile imageEndoUK_CommsModeratorEndometriosis UK1056 Voters

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47 Replies
Pikachu profile image

10. I have been in such an awful mood but as soon as it goes for 5 minutes, I seem to perk up... Dreading job centre appointment tomorrow like this!

lm330 profile image
lm330 in reply to Pikachu

hope your meeting at the job centre went well pikachu and hope that you are feeling better xxx

Tywo profile image

Its jst one pain I can't never get used to

Kymmy profile image
Kymmy in reply to Tywo

I know how you feel x

Phred2012 profile image

Been brewing on a bad mood for the last few weeks, and could have done without speaking to anyone at the weekend. :(

Dear86 profile image
Dear86 in reply to Phred2012

I feel you. Sometimes I want to be completely alone for a few days and not talk to anyone

needingadvice profile image

My mood is like a rollercoaster!! Never know where I am :(

M1ssy profile image
M1ssy in reply to needingadvice

I know exactly what you mean....I used to have more ups than downs but nowadays it's more downs and I just don't feel that motivated...it's a really hard slog to get the things I don't want to do, done. I used to sail through the unsavoury chores/jobs/activities....

lm330 profile image

dont know what happened to the girl i used to be before i was diagnosed with endo. im always tired and moody these days xx

suby101 profile image
suby101 in reply to lm330

yes me too! I have definately changed.:(

lm330 profile image
lm330 in reply to suby101

:( its not easy is it? What i usually say to people (though i don't always believe it myself) is that its only through the bad days (many many bad days lol) that we can truly appreciate the good ones. my aim is to try and make the ratio between good and bad less uneven ;) xxx

M1ssy profile image
M1ssy in reply to lm330

i know exactly what you mean Im330. It's a hard slog but we'll get there....

Kymmy profile image
Kymmy in reply to lm330

Completely empathise

jojo777 profile image

I think I lost my usual care free personality at all, im moody and sad most of the time x

lm330 profile image
lm330 in reply to jojo777

i totally agree. but you are not alone jojo xxx

in reply to jojo777

Me too. It's like I've had a personality transplant or something! Seems to be a common occurrence...xx

HikerGirlNH profile image
HikerGirlNH in reply to jojo777

Me too. I used to be full of energy running around all day long and generally happy/content. I'm currently in bed crying because I feel so different and depressed. My self esteem has taken a huge hit because of this

Catamenialwoman profile image

I have now had endometriosis on the lung for 13 years. I try very hard to make sure that I manage my mood as I have a job to hold down and other responsibilities.

The cramps I have on the right lung and also abdomen are awful. I used to have them for three days every month but now it is down to one day a month since taking various vitamins and herbals. The flexibility of my job helps too-I can rest for a couple of hours if I have to.

I have learnt to be 'mindful' of when I can feel my mood crashing downwards and with this knowledge and being responsible enough forewarn others around me, my partner, employer and friends have been very supportive. A seriously great help!

I am doing my utmost to make the best of a bad job!

Justlovesjewels profile image
Justlovesjewels in reply to Catamenialwoman

Oh bless you Catamenialwomen,

Can i say, i feel for you tremendously. Theres me thinking it can only effect the pelvis and adomen area. Really had no idea it could travel to the lungs. And to suffer for 13 yrs is remarkable. I have the upmost respect for suffers with this horrible Disease, puts my 1yr of suffering into perspective. Im a reiki healer and i do self healing when im feeling low or in much pain.

You seem to have a strong mind set on which has helped to reduce the pain right down. I hope in the near future your pain goes away for good. Keep strong and keep focused. Xx

hkdonu profile image

only a 2 or 3 this week, I'm lucky to be relatively pain free at the moment but it's always in the back of my mind that the pain will come back or that it's already affected my fertility (we're ttc but less than 12 months so not been to see Dr about it yet as won't do tests till after that)

I am so down about life at the moment, it might be the constant pain I am in which reminds me of my situation. But I hope for the best :)

lm330 profile image
lm330 in reply to

Totally agree Romina :) All we have is hope. Without this the challenge of endo is overwhelming. keep positive and know that you are not alone :) xxx

Tink80 profile image

I've been pretty low this week. Signed off work by the doctor and just been in constant pain. My husband comes home and finds me in tears most nights because I am so sick of feeling like this. I worry that he is getting fed up of it all too but he assures me that he loves me regardless and that we will get through it together. We've only been married eleven months and I feel like I have been a terrible wife as when I am like this I'm no use to anybody. Bit fed up with endo life at the moment!

squidgy profile image
squidgy in reply to Tink80

Can totally relate to this. I worry about the effect it has on my husband as I too am in tears a lot of the time. The Endo has been really giving me hell these past 4 months so much so that I am hardly getting out and about due to the pain and other symptoms, my mood is low, I cannot work. You do feel like a terrible wife, you do feel like you are of no use and no fun. It frustrating how it impacts so much on life. I am glad you have a caring husband as that is what you need, someone close by to support you, to give you a cuddle and wipe away the tears. I would be lost without my husband. I hope you get some respite from it soon x

squidgy profile image

I am in pain everyday, nauseous everyday, tired, teary. I am not being able to go out much so not having a social life at the moment or travel to see my family in Poole. I feel low and that it is affecting my home life as I am not much fun for my husband (who is so supportive). I cannot work at the moment because of it too. So mood is very very low x Hope some respite comes soon x

lm330 profile image
lm330 in reply to squidgy

can totally relate to this. missed a friend's coming home party and another friend's baby's Christening this weekend caus i literally couldnt get out of bed. Its sad caus endo can be so isolating. I rely so much on people to come to me, and even then its hard to be a host when the prospect of so much house work and cooking is exhausting. you are very lucky to have a supportive husband :) my fiance is equally so, though i often wonder how and why ;) but i wont complain :) hope you have a good week squidgy xxx

squidgy profile image
squidgy in reply to lm330

Hi. it is such a vicious circle, having to cancel social events and then not being up to hosting people over either! Have had to cancel going to a wedding in Ireland end of March as def wont manage the long journey or travel on boat or plane and then be in any decent shape to be sociable!

People don't understand that even if you have been lucky enough to get out and about it isn't because you are cured and better! It because you are having a slightly better day that you can get out, but still in pain. Lost count how many times tried explain this to people.

I am glad you have a supportive fiance :-) I often wonder how and why they put up with it.

I had a better weekend than I have had for a long time :-)

Hope you have a good week too Im330 xx

Kymmy profile image
Kymmy in reply to lm330

Agreed so glad I'm not alone x

LilCheebs profile image

Ladies, thank you for sharing! I am new to this site and was diagnosed about 12 months ago. I have been on the mood rollercoaster for a while too, but have never been sure if its due to circumstance in life, situational, the endo etc . Sad to hear others are also low, but glad to hear I am not alone it this! x

JudeFowler profile image

I'm so glad to hear I am not alone in this! I'm 20 and already having to take off weeks and weeks from work. I'm so scared I may lose my job and its making me feel stressed and guilty every period of time I have to take off. To make matters worse I've just moved into my own flat and I'm now worried I might not be able to keep it! Currently feeling constantly depressed with no motivation to return to work and it feels like a vicious circle! Can only hope my work will be understanding and I can maybe find flexible hours closer to home. I get what you all are goung through and wish you all the best, good luck!

K8YL31GH profile image

Majorly sat last night in tears while I waited for the medication to kick in because of howuch pain I was in ... First ... Day...of....period :-(

Chippers profile image

All I can say is phew! What a relief to read others' stories and know we are here to support each other. I've struggled with this for 25 years and have a particularly nasty bit on my leg ligament and now elsewhere, but I've just been so tearful, angry, sad, depressed, thinking the worst thoughts and then feeling guilty about it all. My partner is a Cumbrian male so not the easiest to talk to. All he wants is for me to carry on with work and keep bringing the money in. I've just taken 4 days sick for the first time in a new job I've had for 4 months, so here comes the guilt and feeling useless. Awoke again at 3am in pain, so thank you for being there girls. Much love, L xx

Stace86 profile image

I'm so glad it isn't just me then!!! X feel like I have snapped at everyone constantly this week just sooooo tired, 12 days til lap and counting x

astrogirl7 profile image

Mood has been very low this week, a good friend came to see me and gave me much needed hugs and support, with chatting and plenty of cups of tea, lol.

As soon as you open your eyes in the morning you feel miserable and in pain and miserable because of the pain!

I lost my brother to cancer on 31st March which has not helped my mood and I am having counseling for this which is helping all of the moods ..funnily!

One day at a time, do what you can and dont push yourself too hard! xx

flossyk profile image
flossyk in reply to astrogirl7

Oh no Astrogirl, I am sorry to hear of your loss of your brother. Hope your counselling helps you. (That sounds pathetic, but hopefully you know what I mean.)


angelswings84 profile image

Hubby and children spending alot of time doing other actitivies away from me so i guess my mood aint been that good :( x

awaters profile image

I had my appoitment with my consultant yesterday after my laparoscopy operation a few weeks ago, after what I and he thought was just going to be scar tissue damage, and me thinking it will just be a follow up appoitment, let me know its all ok, got told I have endometriosis, my bowel, liver, fallopian tubes and womb are affected. Been trying for a baby for 8 years and was so positive it would all be ok. Unfortunately my fallopian tubes are to badly damaged now so have to have the operation to get them removed. This has deverstated me so much, I can't get pregnant, this pain won't be gone. I know I only found out yesterday but I just feel I can't or maybe refuse to believe it all. I feel everyone will think shut up its nothing and won't understand how it makes me feel so guess dont want to talk about it to them. So glad I have found this site, having others who understand and talk to xx

Bobbluesky profile image

I cant sleep, the pain is really bad, i'm on the zoladex injections and at the end of the mth I get the coil put in, But I feel sick of all this crap, its getting me so down, im so glad I've found this site it shows me i'm not alone, thankyou all so much for sharing your stories.. Xx

Lewis2 profile image

Can any one tel me how long it takes for prostap to start working?.

in reply to Lewis2

I had marina out on the wed and protostap and by sat it had kicked in and all pain etc gone! I was great for 7 months no problems at all then month ago saw consultant and booked in for a hysterectomy in feb, This fri everything all kicked off again and I dont know why cos still on all same medi! crap weekend :-(

Bobbluesky profile image

This was my 3rd injection of Zoladex on the 11th july, but still hasn't worked, I go into hospital on the 23rd july to get the Mirena coil put in. I really hope this helps, my mood has been very bad as past 2wks even the weather hasn't helped. Still have cramps & staining, just so fed up with the pain, really hope this works next week, & it helps my mood swings & depression.

Dear86 profile image

While I would never want anyone to experience the constant acute pain I have been suffering for five years, it is so reassuring to learn I'm not alone in this.

The effect my adhesions have had on my life has been total.

My ability and desire to socialise, my feelings of hopelessness and depression, tiredness from not sleeping because pain wakes me up, waking up in the morning to a world of pain - for me mostly ovary and sciatica from adhesions.

It seems never ending.

But stay strong ladies, something will help be it surgery or meds or alternative.

Lots of love


Kymmy profile image
Kymmy in reply to Dear86

Agreed :) so happy I found this page


Stephiex1993 profile image

My mood has been up and down more times than I have smiled! I've felt so emotional and useless lately :-( endometriosis is taking over everything i do it's horrible

AlleyKatz profile image

10!!! had a flare up last week end just as peirod started couldnt hardly walk talk just rolled back and two for72 hours in bed , and suffered exhaustion then pain must of got that bad i started to vomit well purge... iv two kids one a disabled child, it was hell and i felt so terribly bad mum, luckily my 10yr old looked after me n other child in between me trying my best too, till sunday..im a single mum and i try and tell people how bad it is but hey limbs arent fallng off no blood pumping out etc so i must be just having bad period pains, yep you can see they think im moaning on. IV had BAD period pains but this is past excruciating when the nausea comes... we need help, and other women who have elective c-sections should be told of after affects(i know its from other things to just in my case i had a classic csection as my child was born 32wks 1lb 7oz).. id love to know how many actual women who have sections do suffer from this dibilitating condition.. making it elective was stupid seriously.. stupid..

Jessie_boo profile image

I am feeling really low this week and just want to hid. I cry constantly, even my little girl asks if I am happy or sad everyday which is breaking my heart. She is the only thing that is keeping me going as well as work. I just feel constantly tired and feel like I am failing her and work when the pain gets too much. I have also become so isolated that I very rarely see my friends and have no social life as a result. Sorry feeling really down today and cant sleep because of the pain.


wp22 profile image

I am sad all of the time because I am in so much pain all of the time. I am not the person I used to be and I am not the person I should be. I am missing out on life because of endo as it has ruined

I want the medical profession, especially surgeons to change the way they treat us and stop this unnecessary suffering. I hope they realise. God bless us all x