I recently had a miscarriage the 2nd one to be exact may i mind you i have 3 beautiful children all were healthy normal pregnancies full term, all of a sudden started miscarrying. Underwent some tests and ultrasound after the 2nd miscarriage was told i had a 2cm cysts on my ovary which also confirmed both ovaries, uterus and tubes were great. Doctor immediately wanted to do surgery to remove the cyst and test it because i do want to have one more baby. Had surgey July 5th to remove cyst and had a test done to see if my fallopian tubes were good, come to find out my right fallopian tube is fully blocked with endometriosis but my doctor told me everything else was fine and gave me 6 months to a year to conceive naturally. What are my odds of conceiving naturally with one blocked fallopian tube and stage to endo?
Stage 2 endometriosis one blocked fal... - Endometriosis New...
Stage 2 endometriosis one blocked fallopian tube trying to conceive

Hi there, I’ve just joined so things may have changed for you. Sorry for your losses. I had a blocked tube & stage 3 endo and did IVF, I’m older than you too but did end up conceiving.

Despite of everything i did end up conceiving just found out 4 days ago that im expecting, im in disbelief but im overjoyed!!!!
Oh wow that’s amazing, congratulations. Good luck with everything. How are you finding this app/site, seems NZ group not too active but others are.
Hello Laylay
Louise here from London, UK.
I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis back in 2018. Have had several lapropcopy operations to remove cysts from my ovaries to find that one cyst is trapped near the bowel tube and the Gynae surgeon says it’s a risk of erupting the bowl if touched. So controlling the area with pain relief is the only option otherwise have a bag for the rest of my life. I also have one Fallopian tube that is open the other is completely blocked. My heart sank with this devastating news all in one hit. I am 42 years old single very keen to be a mum but I feel my changes of even getting pregnant is slim as my fertility might be low. Actually blood test came back for my fertility level and it was 2.4 doctor said it was a bit low but didn’t say it was bad. There is still hope I believe in my heart. I am not giving up I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. Is there anyone experiencing a similar situation. I have been crying for months thinking I might have to come to terms with not being a mum it breaks my heart.
Look forward to hearing your views.