I am 20 years old and have been diagnosed with endo in june when i underwent a laparoscopy. The drs found a significant amount of endo and said that they had removed it, but i am still in a lot of pain. I have had two periods this month which isn't fun for anyone normally, but its just cruel for someone with endo! I have been looking into a tubal ligation as it is reversible and i would love to have children in the future. Does anyone have any experience with this? did it help at all?. i dont want to get a hysterectomy if possible as i do really want children, but i am finding it too hard being in pain all the time and trying to keep up with life too which still happens in the background, such as work and studying for the degree i am currently working towards. If anyone can help, please do! i would really appreciate it!
Help please?: I am 20 years old and... - Endometriosis New...
Help please?
Thats very sad cuz I'm going through the same issue as you are and don't want a laparoscopy again. As per your concern, is it in your ovary? If yes then they will only remove one ovary and one is enough for a person's fertility. I hope this is a bit comforting for you
Hi Jayme,
To reply to your concerns around the pain you are experiencing. Daily pain which lasts longer than 6 months has often become what is termed a 'chronic condition' and requires the care of a team (including pain specialists) who understand and can offer the right kind of treatment and management together with the lifestyle changes you can do as well (nutrition - FODMAP diet, exercise, sleep and enjoying things). There are a few great websites with info re living with chronic pain:
-And a new Australian one on pelvic pain pelvicpain.org.au/
There are various practitioners who specialises in treating pelvic pain including:
- Pain clinics or
- Pelvic Health & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists or
- Osteopaths specialising in pelvic pain
and more. If you can go back to your specialist and ask for a referral to someone in your area.
Endo NZ