Story in bio I’m just more wondering and worried about if anyone else’s memory loss was bad or if they had memory loss problems and if you live in the uk do you think I will be able to get pip I’ve pretty much been f’d over by UC because they class my brain damage as they class me on lcw but not lcwra ( Limited Capability for Work (LCW) or a Limited Capability for Work Related Activities (LCWRA). ) I think I fit into the work related activities as I even do things like forgetting to turn the stove off and of such plus I am also thinking about filing a claim of medical negligence because of me only being kept in hospital for 6 days when the minimum amount of days for encephalitis I had is 14-21 days
21 with encephalitis need some help - Encephalitis Inte...
21 with encephalitis need some help

HI, it might be worth emailing to see if we have any information which may be useful for you.
Memory loss will improve but will take time. Try mental and physical exercise, plus good diet etc.. The medics may have told you which areas of the brain are affected, each part does different jobs. Try for a social worker through your doctor - they should help you get support. If the docs say you are fit to go home you may not make progress in challenging this. I'm in my fifth year and almost back to a normal state (with medication).
Thank you for the reply, everything is very new to me with this battle and it stopping my life’s progress, and doctors saying they don’t know what’s wrong or happening with me is annoying, I am declared unfit for work from uc with lwc and im still in the process of pip, i also hate the fact that they try to push the blame onto you in a sense as I’ve never been on universal credit or anything and I’ve always worked from college and started working in the electrical field but now with my memory loss it’s like im back at high school and I’ve reset 5 years of my life because I can’t be trusted to work with any sort of electrical system from just normal house wiring to fire alarms to security systems too many regulations and stuff I need to remember, just way to hard when I’m always sat looking at the same four walls because family are scared for my safety and don’t want me to leave the house too
Sounds pretty bad. Enc takes your life away but you appear intact and complete to others who do not know. I was in the state of a toddler when I awoke from my induced coma (to stop seizures). Learning to eat and walk was my challenge. Food tasted like sewage as my taste was confused. Eventually I made progress. You will too. A friend who saw me when I was discharged can't believe the improvement. As you know memory loss is a great handicap. I didn't recognise my tools and equipment, my clothes, record collection etc. I felt a stranger to myself, when I shaved, a stranger looked back at me. But progress can be made, now I can do things and communicate. Hurray!
Best wishes for a continual recovery, G2