Well after things started to settle down , the whole depression and mood swings have caused a strain on relationship. My doctor has me in for refeeal for integrative car and an assesment to rule out any variations of bi pola " manic physcotic depressive disorder. Other note on this is relationship has broken down and I am now currently homeless living in a hostel , with not very much help from homeless teams , 3 weeks and counting. Things surely have got to get better I'd hope . I miss my little 16 month old dearly. But already have in writting from a lawyer access rights which both myself and ex partner went and done , and I still have feelings and care about her which I don't think is a bad thing , their is no bad feeling from my part and it amicable between us
Further updates to life after encepha... - Encephalitis Inte...
Further updates to life after encephalitis
Hi, I am so sorry to hear this. If you want to talk to anyone who may understand what you are struggling with, please do call or email our helpline for support if you can. support@encephalitis.info or encephalitis.info/contact-o...
I’m so sorry. I understand. My ex-fiancé left.
i’m so so sorry this has happened to you. I just can’t imagine how awful, you must be feeling. Please take up the Encephalitis offer and any other help you can get to support you right now. We’re thinking of you.
So sorry to read this. I ended my relationship myself as I couldn't t give him what he needed emotionally when I was dealing of fact nearly died. It is so hard to process. I hope things improve for you.It may be worth you getting your ex partner to read up more about e and get counselling too so at the very least she understands more.Take care.x
Hi HC, I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. In any situation a break up can be life shattering. With Enc. you could be in danger of PTSD. I can't imagine what your life is like amongst the hostel dwellers. I hope your doctor is up to the task of helping you. I'm on meds for anxiety, depression and panic attacks - in addition to all the usual Enc. meds. As long as nothing else pops up I seem to hold a steady course. Some sort of physical exercise may be a good mood changer, walking, swimming, cycling etc. All the best, G2
Hi HC, if you have the time, this man's story may be worth reading. youtube.com/watch?v=NbzZS1A...