I know its sat night but this is like walking through a morgue ! just me and the mods by the look of it
where is everybody: I know its sat night but this is... - EFA
where is everybody
Yeah, this forum is pretty dead.
I doubt the mods are here either to be honest, they haven't even bothered to welcome the new visitors who did turn up.
It's a pity for those of us with allergy problems, but there you are
Thanks Koala, is it dead or is there any life here?
think we've found the grave yard
Even after several posts where I've said it's dead here or even offered to be their communication person or whatever (LOL) to see if they reacted, none of the mods have turned up. They are not even reading anything. I wonder why they set the forum up.
It's a pity because there aren't any other allergy forum / sites, at least not that I know of.
yeh I've noticed seems they've forgotten about it, lol
Hi guys
This is the nature of getting a community started... you can't compare it with our other, very established communities on HealthUnlocked. This one is still very young and needs nurturing.
Please try to stay positive, I promise it will be worth it
Best wishes
Could one of you at least welcome the new people? There was a 16 year-old here whose post hasn't been answered, that was before you visited just now. I really find that a pity.
I have tried replying to new people so far but it shouldn't be left to me, I'm only a new visitor myself!
oky doky will do could do with dragging a few of the blf site, see what I can do
hey dickydoo, welcome to the forum. we're definitely aware we are off to a slow start here but these are uncharted waters for our organisation and over the summer we are looking to become more active with the community.
koala is right - I was on my summer holidays earlier this year since June 16th and only just got back. I'm the only moderator for the organisation for now - we're just 4 people and for the time being I am the only one who will be posting at the time being. we're very busy and haven't been able to include interaction on Health Unlocked into our daily routines yet,
At the moment we're rather ramping up activity on Twitter @EFA_Patients (twitter.com/EFA_Patients) and that is the focus of our social media right now. We're moving one (slow) step at a time, so I ask you all kindly for your patience.
No problem see you in a tweet