I've been diagnosed ckd in 2012,there is no symptoms in me till now except high bp, but now I am having low bp as 95/65,have mild pain in left shoulder and upper left ribs bones. During day I never feel anything but when I try to sleep I feel fatigue. Help me guys
Worried about having heart disease. Im c... - Early CKD Support
Worried about having heart disease. Im ckd 3 patient
Hi Teacher20,
Welcome to our community where you will find folks here are very supportive.
Ok, in regards to your left-sided pain in shoulder and ribs, have you spoken to your GP about this? Are these new pains, can you describe the type e.g. sharp stabbing or aching; Intensity scale: 0-10 ( 0 no pain, 10 worst); does the pain move or is it static? These can help your GP/health professional to understand your pain and help with diagnosis. It maybe unrelated to your kidney function, but could be either musculoskeletal e.g. pulled muscles, fractured ribs or ...and this is my immediate concern, it could be cardiac related. If it is the latter you need to get urgent medical advice as it may be early signs of angina or heart attack. So I would suggest that you see your doctor to determine exactly what is causing these pains and how serious i.e. life-threatening or not they may be.
In CKD keeping your blood pressure lower is not a bad thing and is more protective to your kidneys, but your numbers do indicate that it is a little low, so again, speak to your doctor and ask if your BP medication may need adjusting. Check out more information below:
Edren - Blood pressure in CKD: edren.org/ren/edren-info/bl...
Kidney Research UK - Blood pressure: kidneyresearchuk.org/health...
Do keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Ok, folks please pop by and welcome this new member onboard.
Best wishes,
MAS Nurse and Moderator
I've to visit my doc after a month as per schedule, also the pain I feel on a left upper side is like a mild pain intensity scale 3 in the area placing 4 fingers on left part ,but I worried about one this i.e, I feel dizziness and unconscious and shortness of breathe while trying to sleep, but as I wake up it becomes normal. I think this may be bcoz I'm taking bp medicine amlong5+ramipril5, whereas my bp is normal these days, so it is possible that these medications lower my bp more.
HI Teacher,
Welcome to the community. I would suggest your write down what you had for dinner or before going to bed. This way you know if it is something you are eating. Pancreatitis and gallstones sometime cause pain in the ribs like you discuss.... but usually on the right side. Just one more this to check out. I also used to get terrible gas pains similar to what you are speaking about and it was from taking bicarbonate as prescribed by the doctor.
Let us know how you make out with your doctor.