Urine report not encouraging. - Early CKD Support

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Urine report not encouraging.

Saaba profile image
18 Replies

My routine urine reports came . Not very encouraging. Traces of protein found, with three to five epithelial cells, and presence of phosphate. Currently under lot of stress because of all this. Can't even sleep at night. Pl suggest what else I should do. Appetite has gone down, can't have food.

I am petrified.

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Saaba profile image
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18 Replies
Bet117 profile image


Hang in there and breathe! Feeling frightened, anxious or stressed are very normal emotions when you first learn of anything different appearing on a medical test.

In this case, have you seen a nephrologist and asked them to explain this to you as well as drawn additional lab work to diagnose the problem? That is key! The unknown is always distressing.

We are all here for you to support you, so you are in the right place. If you have family and close friends around, this is the time to ask them for support. Allow them to do so as that's what they are there for.

I know that you are petrified, but not eating anything is not going to solve the problem.

Avoid salt, red meats and high salted foods such as bacon, cold cuts, chips etc.

Fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables and eggs/ egg whites are good. Watch your consumption of dairy.

Most importantly, call your doctor and see him/ her and a nephrologist.

This is a slow process, so go one step at a time.

Please let me know how you are doing.

Stay strong...

Sending healing thoughts your way.


Saaba profile image
Saaba in reply to Bet117

Thank you so much Bet. I did the lab tests. Serum creatinine is 0.6, urea is 18, no cholesterol as such somewhere around 170 and fasting sugar is at 93. But I hardly had non vegetarian food that week, and night before the test I had veg dinner, so could that altogether lowered my serum creatinine level? Buthave long standing hypertension. History of drug abuse as in sedatives, laxatives and antidepressants with pantaprozole and yes insomnia.

So all this have placed me at my wit's end.

I have not been referred to nephrologist yet.

But should I opt for albumin creatinine ratio test

Thanks a lot for those encouraging words.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117 in reply to Saaba

Hi Saaba,

Of course distressing. I am not a doctor, but all and all you look like you are not in bad shape.

To mt knowledge, your creatinine level is a basis for kidney function and looks good. Your glucose and cholesterol as well.

Google davita gfr and plug in your numbers and age. It should give you your filtration rate as well as kidney function. Above 93 is excellent.

My thoughts, follow up with your PCP about this and possibly a nephrologist to keep you on the safe side and put your mind at ease.

Yes, albumin to creatinine ratio and see if you are spilling protein or any other needed tests as it will help you go forward.

Bring your lab results and any questions that you may have to the appointment as well as a notebook to jot down answers. If you are concerned about your past and how you are being effected now, be sure to communicate this to your doctor.

Remember that you are the patient and have the right to advocate for your own health and have all questions answered.

Stay strong and let me know how things turn out!

Positive Thoughts!


Saaba profile image
Saaba in reply to Bet117

Thank you so much indeed.

Will visit nephrologist next week with all the reports.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117 in reply to Saaba

No thanks ever needed! I wish that I had more words of comfort!

Keep in touch and let me know the outcome.


Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to Bet117

Hi, I was just reading this. On reply it said your kidney function 93 was good, but that was for fasting sugar. Did they include gfr in results. That number (gfr) is the kidney filtration rate number.

Saaba profile image
Saaba in reply to Sally10255

Hi Sally my fasting serum sugar is 93, serum creatinine is 0.6, urea 18, total cholesterol is 170, potassium 3.6 sodium 137, with traces of protein in urine .

Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to Saaba

Did you get a gfr score?

Saaba profile image
Saaba in reply to Sally10255

No Sally I didn't.

Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to Saaba

The gfr score will give you one of the best readings about your kidneys, it has to do with how your kidneys are filtering. Great luck!! Mine was low, one kidney is not doing much. Ended up I had a size able stone that most likely wreaked havoc.

Saaba profile image
Saaba in reply to Sally10255

The gfr score I guess will come across when I do the 24 hr urine test. The problem is my GP is reluctant to refer me to a nephrologist. Nevertheless, next week after doing all the tests I will visit the nephrologist.

The tests next week I will be doing are acr,and 24 hr creatinine clearance. Hope from this I will get to know the gfr.

Sally10255 profile image
Sally10255 in reply to Saaba

I am extremely fortunate to have a doctor that was all over it. I don’t think he suspected what was going on, but ordered ultrasound, which led me to kidney specialist...it all happened so fast.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117 in reply to Saaba


This should help until you see your doctor.


Glomerular filtration rate

Davita GFR

Also called: GFR

Kidney function is measured by how well the kidneys clean the blood. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a good way to find out the patient's stage of kidney disease. The main factor in estimating the GFR is finding out the level of creatinine in the blood. Your doctor will order blood tests that will list your serum creatinine. This is a waste product that comes from muscle activity.

When kidneys are functioning, they remove creatinine from the blood. As kidney function slows, blood levels of creatinine rise.

A mathematical equation is used to estimate the GFR. In addition to serum creatinine, other factors in the equation include age, race and gender.

Sometimes, optional factors such as weight, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum albumin are used to get the patient's GFR level. Once the GFR level is known the stage can be determined.

Related articles on DaVita.com


The DaVita.com GFR ..click on it and plug your numbers in.

Sdtagoo profile image
Sdtagoo in reply to Saaba

A trace of protein is normal but should be watched

Attwood profile image

I was diagnosed 3 years ago with nephrotic syndrome. My kidneys were leaking albumen (protein) at an alarming rate. I was also suffering from water retention, which was the symptom that initially I complained about to my doctor. I was eventually diagnosed with a serious kidney complaint and referred to a specialist.

I was subjected to various tests, including a kidney biopsy (completely pain free) and treated with steroids and various other tablets.

I am pleased to say, that at a meeting with my consultant on Wednesday, he told me I am in complete remission with all my readings being back to normal.

Saaba, from what I see from your posts and replies, it doesn’t sound as though you are in the sort of shape I was but it’s important to see a kidney consultant as soon as you can (if you haven’t already). As you can see from my experiences, if you have a problem it’s quite likely that it can be treated.

Stay happy😀

Bet117 profile image
Bet117 in reply to Attwood


lowraind profile image


High blood pressure is a strong factor in ckd. Try very hard to bring and keep that under control. It is a two-way street. Hbp causes ckd and ckd causes hbp, so this is a very important step. Also, please let us know what you have already done, and we can give you further directions. Even if your kidneys are not as bad as you think, there is much you can do to keep them healthy.


Saaba profile image
Saaba in reply to lowraind

Thank you so much lowraind.

Till now I have only done serum tests and one urine routine tests.

The BP was controlled all this while, I take metolar xr 50 once a day. And it was controlled. But for the last 2 weeks I am not getting proper sleep and because of anxiety the BP is elevated.

There is also a stench in urine if I have fish.

The problem of edema is there for the last couple of years but now with increasing body weight it seems to have increased. And I should also mention that I was often ordering food from fast food chains and mainly was into Chinese and cheese filled food. That too might have increased my problem of edema. But more of a Jon pitting type.

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