They are telling me at the hospital there is nothing to worry about, I beg to differ this is my health you are messing with.!!! I have spent all day today looking for a English website about CKD and the diet best for me, it has taken 6 hours to find this site.
Can anyone help in what I should be cutting out, I have cut out processed foods from my diet and do not add salt to anything anymore. I am struggling now as level have dramatically dropped I feel I must be following some sort of diet, but again on different pages on here their are a lot of contrasting view points. I have decaff teabags but then am told no tea, or coffee, I eat a lot of dairy, love tomato based sauces and meals, but cant have them!!!!! Can someone either suggest a good web pages or book that will clearly tell me what I can or cant eat. I would appreciate any help you guys can help me with....having a major panic that I can't eat gluten or can I ????? Please Help xxx