Hello all
Last week Dyslexia Action released a report calling for a nationwide strategy for dyslexia and learning difficulties to enable the best evidence and solutions to be brought forward to increase the literacy standards in all UK schools. You can read the report at dyslexiaaction.org.uk/dysle...
If you are one of the 9 in 10 parents who want teachers better trained in dyslexia in our schools or are passionate about increasing awareness and getting better support for those with dyslexia then please show your support by adding your name to the petition petitionbuzz.com/petitions/... and telling others about our call for action by wearing the Dyslexia Still Matters twibbon twibbon.com/join/Dyslexia-S...
A quote taken from an article on our website with Dr John Rack sums up nicely our message:
Dr Rack concludes: “Our main message to Government is that we don’t have to wait; there are positive and affordable things that can be done now. We now need to work together and put an end to the suffering and sense of failure that is still felt by too many children with dyslexia and literacy difficulties in our schools today.”
You can read the full article here: dyslexiaaction.org.uk/news/...