To parents and carers who have children with dyslexia at school.
Have you discovered Dyslexia Action's new Special Educational Needs guide for parents with dyslexia?
This free online resource has been specially written for parents and carers to help them understand the SEN support that they should expect from their school and explains the changes in Special Educational Needs, as from September 2014. The online document, aimed at those who support children with literacy difficulties including dyslexia, is already being welcomed by parents and likened as ‘gold-dust’ by one.
The ‘How to…Navigate the changes in Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision’ guide, highlights the new legal requirements that schools and colleges have a duty to follow in England, under the ‘SEN and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years’ and what this means for children with special educational needs. It relates to the Children and Families Act which was passed through parliament in March, 2014.
Included in the guide is information on:
What is changing in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability
Education, Health and Care Plans
How a Local Offer should help
What should happen if a child is assessed as being disabled by their dyslexia
Who will receive a Personal Special Educational Needs Budget
If dyslexia is identified what approach should be taken by the teacher
What parents can do if they are not happy with the support their child receives
Useful contact details for other organisations that can offer helpful advice and/or support, besides Dyslexia Action.
Dyslexia Action's Registered Office can be contacted on: 0300 303 8357