Any information on Botox for spasticity??
Botox injections : Any information on... - Different Strokes
Botox injections
I receive Botox for this reason, it works really well for me
I initially rejected botox treatments. My neurologist asked me why. I thought botox would just be a temporary fix, which is true. My neurologist said that when the botox is working, you have an opportunity to work very hard to get your movement back. I began botox treatments a year and a 1/2 ago and they have worked well for me. Typically, and injection is given every 3 months. I am now waiting 5 months so I can accurately judge where my hand is in its recovery process. After 3 months, the botox leaves your system. I recommend botox if you are willing to work very hard while the botox is in your system. As I understand it, botox is very localized. So I haven't really worried very much about it and I would say it has helped me.