In England what is the cut off for dialys... - Dialysis Support
In England what is the cut off for dialysis treatment? When does insurance coverage stop for dialysis?
I'm not sure I understand your question. If you are entitled to NHS treatment then there is no cut-off. If you are not entitled to NHS treatment (there are residency rules) then that will depend on your individual insurance. If you care to expand on the the question I will try to answer in more depth.
There are some online rumors about this going round on some bulletin boards, which are simply untrue.
UK and EU citizens are entitled to dialysis to any age under state insurance, providing its medically/clinically safe. If you are a visitor from an outside country, normal payment and insurance costs will apply.
Hi, I wish that would be true ,but i`ve tried so hard to get a transfer from another Eu country to UK to have my dialysis done in UK.I benefit of an European health insurance card .Can you please help me with this matter ?or give some more information about it ?
If you generally wish to live in the UK, the usual way would be to go through the authorities, your doctors in your EU country, those in the UK. etc
What country are you in now?