Hi all my daughter is on stage 5 and no hope of dialises or transplant has has other health problems has stopped eating for 2 weeks now and drinks very little could any one advice how long she can go on like this she is 28
kidney failure? : Hi all my daughter is on... - Dialysis Support
kidney failure?

What country are you in?
Who said no hope of dialysis my kidneys where working 2% I had a Tesio catheter fitted one day and started Dialysis the next which removed toxins and build up of fluid I continued dialysis for some months during which time I had a fistula built in my right arm and started using that some 6-7 months later and still using it 5 years later.
Other health problems my cause complications but I dont know how it can prohibit dialysis.
Hope this helps dont just except what the Drs say sometimes you have to push for things
my email if you want it mandcgibs@vodafone.co.nz
thank you so much for reply we live in Scotland have had 2 opinions and both doctor's have said same thing just hoping she can live for a few more years x
Hello your daughter must have other very serious health issues. But dont let it stop you seeking the best .Is your health care in Scotland free or do you have to pay. Do you have health insurance? kidneyabc.com/ very interesting site check it out
Very sorry to hear about your daughters situation. I don't understand why they wouldn't dialyise her tho! I also have other health problems. I have Type 1 Diabetes and cardiomyopathy. I have bone disease also. I actually started on a different type of dialysis which was carried out at home . Peritoneal dialysis didn't work out for me but has been very successful for others. Without knowing your daughters kidney function percentage I wouldn't have any idea how long she can continue. I know that it varies for anyone being dialysed as to how long they can continue after they stop their treatment. I would ask your daughters consultant to explain her situation to you both fully and plainly. I really hope you get some clarification because there's nothing worse than not knowing!!
Sorry to read of your daughters situation. I'd suggest you try a couple of things.
One, request a case review along with a second opinion.
Two, contact the National Kidney Federation. They have an advocacy service which I can recommend to you. They of course have a website and they offer advice and guidance for patients and their families.
I wish you good luck, keep fighting....
thank you for your replys sad thing is Sharon has no understanding of what's happening to her and she would just pull tubes out and specilist said this would be very dangerous for her
This is obviously a very difficult time for you and your daughter, my only advise is you take her to the hospital and do as the doctors advise you. I can not give you advise without knowing the other health issues. I hope she gets well soon.
thank you for your replys I will ask specilist about what you have suggested at nxt consultation x