I am diabitic since last 12 years and FBS v... - Diabetes India

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I am diabitic since last 12 years and FBS varies between 104 -170. I am fund of Sweets. can I take one sweet in alternate days.

Suresh1963 profile image
9 Replies

Now i am taking Zoryl-M1 daily one tab after breakfast.

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Suresh1963 profile image
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9 Replies
sanmjay profile image

If I say yes then it is not very correct, it depends if u r empty stomachs for 4 hrs and u do work out every day , i think u can 1 sweet on alternate day,

Jayendrachaudhary profile image

Diabetic pt. Have to maintain sugar level as much as possible.ie u wil take 1 piece of sweet extra than ur regular diet then it wil interrupt ur sugar level atleast for 3-4 hrs.So it is upto u how wel u maintain ur body.i think u can try once per week.

SriRam profile image

FBs 104 to 170 is definitely on Higher side.You might be taking sugar in Tea /coffee also eventhough you should take them without Sugar,Once you are a Diabetic.In addition,if you take Sweets also,Sugar Levels will be Uncontrollable even Doctors can not Stabilise,inspite of their best effort,as Years pass by.It amounts to shortening One's Life with his Weakness for Sweets.My Friend ,Diabetic,is very Fond of Sweets and when we move out he ate sweet,whenever sweet shop comes ,in spite of our Protests and we do not take them with him and take some sweets home.Unfortunately his Life got shortened by 30/40 years as his later complications could not be treated by Doctors.So,why take Life Risk youself.

badrirag profile image

once in two days is certainly not done but once in a while is ok and that too by reducing the consumption of other carbohydrates like rice for example, proportionately. It will really help to burn more calories by exercising for a longer duration on the days you take sweets.

Hi Mr, Suresh

There are variety of swwets so if you go for DRY+ghee sweets will spike BS more where as if you go for Rasgolla light sweeten, Ras malai like and restrict to 1 piece in a week my not harm, but please take 60% suizing mean letting out liquid sugar,


basudev paul


panchsheel profile image

taking sweet not essential hate throw it once twice not to look that way


dont to take name she ued to take hiding to me lost her life therefore avoid regard panchsheel

rkagrawal profile image

Dear ! Im too dibetic for more then 25 years and I m too fond of sweet. you can tale bengali rasgulla dully washed, some time ras malai less sweeted. 20 grams sweet has 100 calories. you can enjoy less sweeted uo to 5 grams only.

lachitnagar profile image


rekhavns profile image

Hi Suresh,

i am Rekha Gupta a certified diabetes educator and a nutritionist.

I know once u r told not to consume sweets your craving for sweets go higher.As u know the only thing that matters in a Diabetic dit is the amount of carbohydrates you are consuming. The carbohydrates convert into glucose in the body. Everything ( food items, exceptions of few) have certain amount of carbohydrates may it be veg.,fruit, chappati or rice. Now if u consume a sweet ( depending on which sweet u r eating) you will consume lot of carbohydrates in one go. 1 serving rasgoola is approx 100 gms has 153 cal . and 38 gms. of carbohydrates in which u can consume 3 rotis. So if u want to have rasgoola reduce you rotis in that meal and see if u can survive on rasgoola.

Try to switch to homemade sugar free sweets which will be to happy to give you the recipe , if you require.

So the jest of the whole discussion is count ur carbs so that your sugar doesn't spike.

i hope this will clear some of your doubts.