Hi everybody ,plz guide me to lower my fast... - Diabetes India

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Hi everybody ,plz guide me to lower my fasting sugar level from141mg by suggesting a fair dinner menu and also the best time to have dinner.

vanamali profile image
17 Replies

My age is 64yrs.

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vanamali profile image
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17 Replies
ninjarao profile image

If fasting levels are 141 then after food 2hrs it would be easily touching 200 or 300 +, logically if you think its all about what you eat makes your blood sugar up or down so far what you been eating not making it down ? then try differently , if you read or google then find more about food which has less carbs like many vegetables , Grains , pulses , nuts etc all have carbs so you need to find two things one is complex carbs and fasting acting carbs ( need to avoid them ) so rice , wheat , cereals all need to go add more fat for energy protein to diet , now what Low carb diet you can try is entirely up to you find out online make a diet chart " LCHF " is the key word read about it try it and see the difference .

example: ( my fasting was 94 and PP 60 mins was 110 ) breakfast i usually use one egg omelet with butter milk ( 15 g carb ) after noon daal + sabzi + (one cup ) salted butter milk ( carb 20 g) then i munch chnna 100g ( carb 60g but it has low GI so won't spike BS much ) or peanuts 100g ( 20 g carb ) in evenings then drink some tea or coffee in between at night again two egg omelet or curry or sabzi + daal ( carb16 g) 15+20+20+16 = 71g average so 100 g limit we have set for a day eating carbs but for energy we rely on Fats egg and nuts for me i need to add Virgin coconut oil but eating raw coconut for that are the source of energy and proteins so this how for me its working i have stopped eating all breads , rice , wheat , cereals , meda all together coz what i want is , when i eat i need less carb and filling stomach , so i want to make best use of less carbs , i am eating peanuts , almonds , walnuts which is best for munching with less carb and more filling good source for fats . so no one can tell you what is best for you check the readings regularly , if on meds then take them regularly if non active then get some activity and limit food with high carbs then go for H1bac Test after three months only blood tests can tell if something is working or not so do that regularly if you put your mind to it everything is possible .

imbu2008 profile image
imbu2008 in reply to ninjarao

Dear Sri.Ninjarao, Kindly tell me how u counted carbs For example you say -"breakfast i usually use one egg omelet with butter milk ( 15 g carb ) after noon daal + sabzi + (one cup ) salted butter milk ( carb 20 g) then i munch chnna 100g ( carb 60g but it has low GI so won't15+20+20+16 = 71g "Are these numerical 'g's represent just weight of food stuff? I a novice.Pl help me.I want to shift to LCHF Diet. I am Vegitariam. No eggs.That is the problem.. P.N.Kannan (imbu2008@hotmail.com)

ninjarao profile image
ninjarao in reply to imbu2008

Imbu i understand that is a problem with many they don't eat eggs and then it would seems difficult to be on LCHF but its not , all u need to do is avoid eating rice / wheat / corn products add vegetables ( sabzi / salad ) add daal dipped with ghee or coconut oil avoid potato / tomato or limit them get a glucose meter and see which home food spiking BS ? after avoiding Rice / Wheat / grains when u switch to daals it has carbs too so limit them but they spike far less then Grains so count how much you ate ex rajma

Per 100 g of Kidney beans has 24 g of carbohydrates "google.co.in/search? newwindow=1&q=kidney+beans+carbs&oq=kidney+beans+ca&gs_l=serp.3.1.0l10.181890.190340.0.192555. "

But don't see in absolute value since after cooking and addition it might act differently but then you know how many carbs intake happening ? roughly we all might eat only 40g of rajma at one go but lot of addition happens in making of it so it might increase the bs differently at different places ( just giving an example ) so food can act differently even when u eating the same dish now don't all get confused simply buy glucose meter and start testing PP which is testing after two hours after a meal ( breakfast / lunch / Dinner ) keep a note of it till a month after that u can predict the outcome of a particular food after 2hr and that should be always be <140 ( that is the most important Goal ) .

Before you note readings just remember to check off Roti / Rice / Meda completely from your daily meals eat loads of veggies ( cooked or salads ) Daal specially channa daal / use Besan like in khadi try different things one more thing Add Ghee / Cheese / Coconut Oil in sabzi or wherever you feel ok to do , well its really tough to answer how to make it work " LCHF " for you since we all have different Food habits but goal is same to keep Carb intake as less as possible limit them to 100 g ( this 100 Grams means 100 g of carbohydrates from the Food you have taken for the whole day and don't get confused with amount of food you took in the whole day ) it look odd initially but when u see your bs levels are coming down you never wanna leave this diet plan . at this point you need to innovate as Medfree said keeping interest in what you eat is the key I know a member here "shrisamarth" here who also don't take eggs and doing very well without it also . and yes add more nuts for munching in between the meals " Peanuts / almond / walnuts " even roasted channa with chilka .

How to find carbs in a food ? How to find out how much you eating it ? then u need to google a particular food for its carbs and how much you eating them u need a weighing machine to be sure how much you eating them all this is important looks complicated but its not, its very simple changes if u really want to control you BS levels Meds also has its own limits / exercises has limited impact but in HBS only and paramount importance is what you eat so u need to be strict about it make those changes NOW and in matter of time you see the difference ! . I am on no meds for diabetics doing well and feel very energetic with this Diet plan .

imbu2008 profile image
imbu2008 in reply to ninjarao

Dear Sri.Nijarao,First of all please accept my Millions of Thanks. No one in this forum took so much trouble to except your good self to explain to me about LCHF Diet. God Bless you sir!

My problem will be now to convince my about stop taking "Red Rice" ( i.e.unpolished rice) & Taking the Long Wheat Mashed Poridge (recommended by Sri.Shooter George) .I have already drastically reduced the red Rice quantity in Lunch. For Breakfast & Dinner I have Long Wheat Porrige. I can cut the quantities drastically.

I have an Accu-check Glucometerusing to get my FBS & PPS Blood Sugar levels every Sunday. The FBS level is below 90. PPS BS is around 185/190.My age is 74 & I am diabetic for last 7 years.Now I understood the Priciples of LCHF Diet & I will restic CARBS below I understand from you that is the main criteria. Anyway thanks a lot. Pl give me your EMail ID so that I can be in touch with directly. regards. P.N.Kannan (imbu) imbu2008@hotmail.com

ninjarao profile image

Thanks to You Medfree after all you guided me and i feel very energetic never thought will be on NO MEDS but here i am in a month things have changed completely , for a experiment even tried some dark chocolates , even rice ( was out and nieces not eating so i need to eat them ) but i hitted below 130 60 mins pp though i thought will go 200 + but still on low carb diet for life its amazing energy levels are far better then i ever felt , active no more lethargic its been great so far . well peanuts are my new chips keep them stock them i keep eating them i dunno maybe peanuts making it lesser spikes for me who knows :) but then i max hit 100g or 150 g peanuts a day not more eggs yes but tuesdays and days don't feel like eating much then i stick with cheese + sabzi + daal or khadi added with buttermilk that is constant ! :) .

shrisamarth profile image

I have done it twice and may be doing it again in couple of days. Sprouted and cooked chana is also working very well.

It is not working for long wheat, at least for me. (kept in fridge and eaten next morning as it is.)

shrisamarth profile image

Post you details about PPBS, lipid profile, diet and medicines . 141 is not acceptable figure for FBS. it should be below 100.

ranj profile image

Thank you for sharing RS foods.

As I understand RS means Resistant Starch. I am giving below some information about "Resistant Starch" from Wikipedia and hope it will be beneficial in blood sugar management, who are not aware about RS foods including me.

Resistant starch (RS) is starch and starch degradation products that escape from digestion in the small intestine of healthy individuals. Resistant starch is considered the third type of dietary fiber, as it can deliver some of the benefits of insoluble fiber and some of the benefits of soluble fiber.

Resistant starch has been categorized into four types:

RS1 : Physically inaccessible or digestible resistant starch, such as that found in seeds or legumes and unprocessed whole grains.

RS2 : Resistant starch that occurs in its natural granular form, such as uncooked potato, green banana and high amylose corn.

RS3 : Resistant starch that is formed when starch-containing foods are cooked and cooled such as in legumes, bread, cornflakes and cooked-and-chilled potatoes, pasta salad or sushi rice. Occurs due to retrogradation, which refers to the collective processes of dissolved starch becoming less soluble after being heated and dissolved in water and then cooled.

RS4 : Starches that have been chemically modified to resist digestion. This type of resistant starches can have a wide variety of structures and are not found in nature.

Consumption of natural resistant starch by humans has been shown to result in :-

1 Decreased glycemic response in healthy individuals

2. Increase insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals,individuals with Type II diabetes as well as insulin resistant individuals.

3. Increase glycemic health of next generation when fed to pregnant mothers

4. Improves first phase insulin secretion

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to ranj

On following site more information is available.


shrisamarth profile image

There is RS in wheat but I think it is not working like rice. Instead of boiling potatoes roast and cool them. It has more RS. I am also going to experiment with potato.


shrisamarth profile image


ninjarao profile image

well nice for getting additional info i even tried chips and chocolate again but able to withstand them , well eating rice and roti for me is for not that great actually the reason is different i can withstand one roti or lil bit of rice too but then it wont kill the hunger so for a fancy day its ok but i am altogether avoiding but yes once in a while when things cant be avoided or a cheat :) avocado is great but i been told lil expensive i never seen them in my local market just heard about them that it wont spike much some day i put my hands on them too :) .

shrisamarth profile image

What is achieved by dietary changes they want to do it by a cocktail pill. So something new for sale.

bhaskarraut profile image

U have neither given your age, nor given your past history etc. It is better you consult a diabetologist.

bhaskarraut profile image

I am sorry.

Kundra profile image

Hi , sir,

I shall suggest you to try Paneer ke phul for 20 days and see the result if it works then

you go for that and continue . In my case it is working. Soake 12 seeds overnight in half

glass of water and drink water in morning empty stomach and don't take anything for

half an hour after that you have your breakfast or any medicine. Paneer ke phul is available in store who deals with medicinal herbs.

Thanks and best of luck.

vanamali profile image

Hi,Thank you very much for directing me sir.I have decided to follow the way you have posted.of course I mean that already doing the experiments you have mentioned.Let me see how far it is going to help me.