how can diabetes be prevented since it hard to get cured?
prevention: how can diabetes be... - Diabetes & Hypert...
diabetes its more deadly than aids
Diabetes is not comparable with Aids for the simple reason that Aids is contagious where as diabetes is inherited.Most of us carry the gene that makes us susceptible to diabetes.If you are carrying the gene and you become obese or lead a sedentary life style and carry stress over prolonged periods,then the gene expresses itself and one becomes a diabetic.But you can reverse the condition by regular vigorous exercises,proper control over diet through moderation and lead a disciplined and stress free lifestyle.It will be beneficial, if you have a family history of diabetes,to get yourself checked at least once a year for diabetes.If you can detect the early signs,you can take remedial measures and avoid aggravated diabetes.
Thank you but how long can a diabetic person live if he does regular exercises and medication?