Hi, bit of advice much needed please 🙏🏼 my 9yr old son has been having odd symptoms that (I think) possibly sound like Diabetes red flags…
*Increased thirst, constantly drinking lots and lots of water
*Always hungry (but never puts on weight)
* ‘Anxious’ episodes (feels like a big adrenaline surge) shakiness, pounding heart
* ‘Sweet” tasting saliva
*Tiredness but feeling hyper, so ends up even more shattered
*Thrush that re occurs
*Blurred vision (he’s visually impaired BUT has complained of vision being even more blurry this last 6 months)
*Anaemia type symptoms (paleness, dark circles under eyes, bruising too easily)
*Mood swings and nightmares
*(We try to avoid medications containing sugar and especially sweeteners as they make him extremely agitated and hyperactive)
He saw a GP today who dipped his urine and said ‘no traces of sugar in his urine’ and so no further investigation on diabetes needed
(she offered a full blood count though)
My question is, if a urine sample comes back negative for traces of sugar, does that definitely rule out Diabetes? ?
Thank you so much in advance 🙏🏼😊😊