Antenatal diagnosis - can you assist? - Down's Syndrome S...

Down's Syndrome Support

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Antenatal diagnosis - can you assist?

2 Replies

In light of the indications that ante-natal blood tests to detect Down's Syndrome will be available in the UK in the near future, we are looking for information from families who have had an ante-natal diagnosis (however it was made) in the past 5 years.

We would ask you to share some specific details about the diagnosis, the information you were given and the attitude of the medical professionals who were involved in your care. We want positive and negative experiences and would welcome input from anyone who has had an antenatal diagnosis, whether or not they chose to continue the pregnancy.

DHG is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Down's Syndrome who are looking to put together a briefing paper for MP's to highlight the differences in support and information available to families at the time of diagnpsis and highlight the need for this to be improved in order that ALL families can make INFORMED choices about their pregnancy,

Whilst we are specifically looking for information relating to the UK, it would be helpful to recieve feedback from other countries too, to provide comparison.

If you would like to help us, please send an email to with the following information.

1) The country where the diagnosis was made

2) The year the diagnosis was made

3) For UK diagnoses, the county it was made in

4) How the diagnosis was made (what tests were done)

5) What were you told about the results

6) What information were you give - verbally or in writing

7) Did you feel supported or pressured into making a decision

8) How long were you given to make your decision

9) Do you feel anyone tried to influence your decision and why

It would be helpful if you could write a few lines about each of the above, or just write an account of your experiences that includes that information.

Your information and comments will be used anonymously to illustrate the current situation with regard to the support and information provided at the time of antenatal diagnosis, but if you would be prepared to be identified and provide a more detailed account, please say so in your email.

THANK YOU for your help

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2 Replies
michrach37 profile image

Have already sent you my experiences hun x

Thank you - just trying to get this to as many people as possible so we have a wide range of experiences and representation across the country (as well as comparison from otehr countries).

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