i have had so much pain in the past the nerve was removed fiew years ago and filled ... but kept hurting from time to time ! a month ago part of it was broken .. but i left it so when i look in the mirror i saw it changed color so i decided to remove it (molar) enaugh with the pain ... but is this normal ?? bcz what hurt is not the wound it's the external gum and ear and head even my nose tingle ! π could anyone help?
hello is this normal healing process? - Dentistry Health ...
hello is this normal healing process?

Hi MLaoun. Well, no. That looks painful, infected and like there might be some part of the tooth left behind. It sounds like the tooth was cracked either before the root canal or afterwards, since it was still hurting from time to time. (If a tooth is cracked, even after a root canal you can still have pain due to the crack). Then your tooth cracked completely and broke. You need to see a dentist to get an xray to see what if and where there are tooth fragments left behind. The symptoms you describe might be either nerve damage, an abscess or both. I hope you can get it looked at and treated soon so you can start healing and feeling better.
so this won't just go away with some antibiotics ... ? this really needs a doctor ?!
thank you so much for replyingβ€β
Hi MLaoun. You are very welcome. Unfortunately no, probably not. There might be fragments of your tooth left behind, an abscess brewing, or something else going on to cause your symptoms. Without knowing what is wrong, just taking antibiotics might make the problem worse. Plus, depending upon what is wrong, the bacteria might need to be cultured in order to know which antibiotic to use.
When a tooth is fractured and then part of it breaks off, fragments of broken tooth can be left behind in the jaw. Whenever a dentist extracts a tooth, they have to verify with an x-ray that no fragments of that tooth are left behind. If tooth fragments are left behind and the wound closes up, it will most likely eventually turn into an abscess due to those left behind tooth fragments. After extraction, sometimes the tooth socket is packed with sponge or gauze, and sometimes requires stitches. So unfortunately, since the tooth was fractured, broke on it's own, then you pulled it out, it now looks infected and you have symptoms, you will need to see a dentist to find out what is wrong with it and get you the right treatment.
The pain in your gums, ear and head could be due to an abscess. Hopefully not because infections like that are no fun and not good for your body.
Yes, a dentist. Good luck! I hope you can get it diagnosed and treated soon so it doesn't get worse, and that you'll feel better soon!
Hi Maro ππΈπΏπ¦
I agree with everything that shooting star said. Sooooo sorry youβre suffering with this. Get it seen ASAP sweetie. Let me know about it ok?
Luv luv you. Granny ππΈπΏ
hiii granny !!! oh guys i didn't told u that the stupid doctor pulled it off! π€£βπ and now i'm literally suffering !
nothing is helping .... i'm stuck with this for now ... i'll have to wait for tommorow
this is getting more painfull every day
Hi Mlaoun. Your pain doesn't sound good. I'm not sure I understand. You pulled off your molar, but the doctor pulled something off too? Please seek medical attention as soon as possible. This could be an abscess, or worse. You do not want that infection to get into your blood stream, which it can.
no a part of the tooth was broken ! i pulled that out .. after two weeks the pain started so i went to the doctor and asked to be removed ! he said yes and removed it .... but seems that something is still stuck in there ! and i just can't go nack to the doctor they take weekends off
Oh. Did the dentist xray your tooth to make sure he extracted all of the pieces? Did he put you on antibiotics?
he didn't do x-ray ... he said i take antibiotics and pain killers ... maybe he just assumed that bcz i'm yung nothing is gonna happen ... but my body is already weak!
Oh no. I'm surprised any doctor (or any dentist) would not xray you before and after removing a piece of your tooth. That is a negligent doctor/dentist! Being young should have nothing to do with a a dentist or doctor thoroughly treating patients. X-ray before and after extraction is the correct protcol. Which type of antibiotic did he put you on, how many days, and are you still on it?
There's no need to take xrays after a removal.
If a fractured tooth is removed by the patient herself, followed by increased pain and swelling, the tooth needs an a X-ray. The symptoms described in the OP and the photo depict the possibility of an abscess. This tooth originally had an RC. The tooth did not receive a crown. Later, part of the tooth fractured and the patient removed the tooth herself.
What is the white thing on the left side and then also the white up in the tooth socket? Is that dead tissue or tooth fragments?
I agree!! W all! Looks like an abscess, definitely infected.. And if your feeling this in your ear, face etc, most definitely!
I know from too much experience myself, ππ±you really need to be careful with tooth infections, because you don't want that to get in your blood stream(sorry not trying to scare you but.. )very serious.
Please go to dentist or even a walk in clinic.
Please take care hun... ππ
well i didn't think about blood i actually already have high esr and having symptoms .... for now the doctor asked me to have a detox asap! but when i had to take antibiotics i said i'll do my detox after i get better .... seems like better is way too far
This can become a life threatening infection. The same doctor who pulled out a piece of your tooth, or a different one?
Hang in there! I hope you can get this treated very, very soon!
when a part was broken i couldn't get out of work so i wend to the toilet! and pulled it out myself! ... fiew days later went to a new doctor who i have never visit before and showed him the tooth ... he said he can fix this an make it look good from the outside ... but i was already in pain ! so i didn't came back! two weeks later the color of that tooth became really dark look like inside the gum ... so i went to a diffrent doctor (also new) i asked for tooth extraction
Oh. It's not a good idea to pull out fractured teeth. Ouch! The mouth is very dirty, so infections can happen easily like that.
Oh yeah, this doesn't sound good. Your symptoms really sound like an abscess has now formed. This will have to be treated to get the infection out so you can heal and get out of pain.