Hi. I'm new here. Does anyone have Meniere's Disease? I am being treated for it - I had SSNHL last November in my right ear. They think its menieres or vestibular migraine. I then unluckily got shingles on my good eardrum - yup - right on my eardrum!! So I have tinnitus in both but hearing loss in my right ear. Hearing fluctuates and tinnitus. Just wondered if anyone had considered or has a Vibrant Soundbridge middle ear implant?
Meniere's?: Hi. I'm new here. Does anyone have... - deafPLUS

I have Menieres. I had severe hearing loss in my left ear for many years (undiagnosed) and then lost it in my right ear about 18 months ago right at the beginning of the time of wearing facemasks! The right ear fluctuates but is very much worse overall than it was a year ago. The tinnitus is in both ears. I have several sounds going on, some is permanent and unchanging, some fluctuates. I had vertigo but only a total of about twenty episodes over two years, then it went. I have never heard of the implant you mention. I see the specialist next month and was hoping I would now qualify for a cochlear implant. I will look it up.
Med-el vibrant sound bridge. Look up on their website. I’ve never had vertigo just some dizziness. Vile isn’t it?
I looked it up but don't think it would work for me as the ear I would have an implant in, the hearing is severely deaf with almost no clarity. Also I am British/American but live in the States and it's not FDA approved I don't believe. The vertigo was appalling. I never understood what it meant when people said the room spun around them but it did. Could last from a couple of hours to sixteen on one occasion. Good luck with whatever you do.
Try to be simple…the inner ear has two fluids in it….Endolymph and Perilymph, Menieres technically is called Endolymphatic Hydrops, it’s a over production of the Endolymph fluid in the inner ear causing swelling of the inner ear canals, thus causing dizziness, wobbling, ringing ears and a feeling that the ear is full and bunged up, three drugs Stugeron…car or travel sickness pill which you buy from the chemist..Stemitil and Serc on Doctors prescription, all of them will block the production of Endolymph helping with the dizziness….so they say you have to go 7 years without a attack to be free..so they say. Hope it helps