last Sunday when I went to church I parked my car next to a very large house that is for sale. My car was maybe the back wheels onto the drop curve. As I was only going to be away an hour I didn’t think when I came from church there was a note on my car, DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR ON MY DRIVE OTHERWISE I WILL BRING MY BULLDOZER AND REMOVE YOUR CAR.
When I got home, I was extremely upset. So I put a note on my neighbourhood site, at first the comments were okay, this week I’ve had such hostile comments so I tried to remove what I had said but still they have come and they are getting worse I feel like I did when I first came home scared I’ve had two panic attacks this week last night I had a big panic attack, I don’t understand why people can be so cruel. I feel I’ve suffered enough all the abuse I’ve suffered at the hands of my abuser and now this
I did think that my post traumatic shock syndrome had gone how wrong. I am, it’s just there waiting for someone to press the button and the flood of pain and anguish comes back. Memories return flashback return will it ever go away. Will I ever be free of the pain of what he has done to me? I’m still waiting for the Crown prosecution service to decide to prosecute him. I’m still waiting for the finances to be sorted. He stated in a legal document that he has lived in the family home, I’ve had to pay 2 thousand £500 for my neighbours to sign affidavits. Will this nightmare ever end Will he ever tell the truth? How much more can I take?
of love Liz