does any 1 take sinemet 25 100 and requip... - Cure Parkinson's
does any 1 take sinemet 25 100 and requip2mg was dx just over year ago and seem 2 b takin a lot of tabs so soon only 51

I have been on 25/100 sinemet for almost 3 years with periods of no medication for several
weeks. For the last couple of months on a regular daily dose 3 times a day. I was dx over 3 years ago +/-,and am 82 years old. I guess your Drs know best???
I also take a combination of Sinemet (25/100) and Requip 2mg 4x daily Missing a dose of Requip brings on RLS, but no other problems. I am also pushing 80, 2 years after dx, so my outlook is somewhat different than yours. Good luck in finding the answers you seek.
dear ftadh... dont worry too much. i am 51 as well being diagnosed almost 3 years ago. the first years were mentally so hard and they tried so much medication. i couldnt believe it. i still take 14 tabletts over the day but now i feel so much better. i shut out the Frustration. . the fear about the Future and i live happier ftadh. i take 3 times madopar.. once 3.15 sifrol.. tradozon twice.. ergenyl 500 twice. hang in there . dont just see the problems of PD but the beauty and excitement of all the things around. for me its double as hard ... my wife .53. got multiple sklerosis in the last stadium. we still enjoy our life.. medication helps you to get better... sure... but only if your head is clear to do so... take care.. keep me updated
I took then both for some time now, however my meds keep changing , still on the requip and now on Co-beneldopa , i have a bit more energy and can walk a wee bit faster , still cant sleep , suppose you cant have every thing
happy easter ( if you are int o all that )
parkie Al
I take 4mg ropinarole 4 times a day, azilect once a day, amantidine 2 a day tizanadine 2 times a day 15 mgs of morphine and ambien 10 mg to finish off the day. I was dx about 2 years ago and am 61. Terrible foot cramps at night. Very little slleep these days. With the foot cramps I also get occasional RLS. I stay pretty active during the day, nights are not so good. Don't mean to sound like I'm complaining just a fact of life here.
I take sinemet 25/100 every 4 hours.........ropinarole ...2--3 times a day. i was on Requip XL time release and doing quite well but the cost of the time release was horrible...2300.00 for 2 months.......... also take one azalect each morning. i was diag. in 1998 I am 74 and riding my three wheeler.....etc. and most people do not know I am a "Parky"
I do fall asleep at the most awkward times........ kinda funny, we must keep up our sense of humor...........right ??
I have been dx 12years and am now almost 65 I am now on requip which is being halved to 8mg daily cos of trouble with swollen ankles I am also on Sinemet which was changed from Stalevo i am also struggling with weight gain

maggym, when I got off the requip, I lost 30 pounds and the ankle swelling went away although the purple marks did not.
Hi, I am now 54, Dx two years ago.
My neuro (PD specialist) is keen to keep me off the Leva Dopa meds as long as possible but I don't tolerate DA's well.
I can only tolerate Requip XL 6m. once a day. Azilect 1mg once a day and Amitryptyline at night for neck pain. Seems to work for me but my symptoms are progressing so he will probably tweak meds when I see him in April.
I guess it is based on you as an individual, or what your neuro feels is best for you. I still work full time and look after my two lively grandsons (aged nearly 4 and 9 months) 3 afternoons a week after work ( 3.30-6.00 ish) so need to be active as long as possible.
Caroline, may I please ask what you pay for the Requip XL ?? It worked so well with me, but the cost was wiping me out........................
I live in the UK, I have an annual pre-payment card which costs £10.40 per month for 10 months.
This covers the cost of all my medication.
jillanne is what you have the same as Parkinson's plus or M.S.A Has any meds ever worked ?
yours EXPORT .
Hi, Im 68 now and my GP diagnosed my PD about 9yrs ago but I managed without meds until 3yrs ago when I had the official diagnosis from a neuro who started me on Requip XL. 6mg daily. Took a long time to adjust to these meds and had lots of side effects but did settle eventually. I responded well without Levadopa and he was keen to keep me off it for as long as poss but in last 3 months has introduced Sinemet 25/100x3 daily in addition to the RequipXL and the change is remarkable. During the day, I hardly know I have PD but the nights are a different story with frequent trips to loo and disturbed sleep with painful cramps. Im usually glad to get up by 6am!. Am prepared to ride this out till I see him again in 4 months time because I know how long it took my system to adjust to the RequipXL. We are all different and our bodies respond to these meds in different ways. . I hate taking meds of any sort and so far have refused Azilect, amitryptiline and most painkillers.
Since starting PD meds have noticed slight swelling of ankles and weight gain of about 8 pounds.....otherwise ok. I try to keep as active as possible and watch my diet because Ive also developed cravings for sweet things...chocolate in particular. I wouldnt worry too much. Your neuro will adjust your meds as you go along....try keep ing a diary of any symptoms and discussing with him at your next meeting including the concerns you're voicing to us. Good luck
dear it: I'm surprised you're on both right away. Don't know what your symptoms are or how severe. Or if you're having a bad reaction to so much medication. My doc started me on dopamine agonists (requip and mirapex) which were disastrous for me, but work for some. He titrated me to 4 sinemet 25/100 and told me stay undermedicated.
Hi , I am only 47 , dxd at age 40 . I started on Requip 5yrs ago and am now on Requip XL but take them all at once (4x tablets) first thing in the morning . I have been taking Madopar 100/25 for about a year (1 pill 3x a day) so that's only 7 pills a day . I practice tai chi (every day) and run every other day (min. 3miles) - my doc/pd nurse/neuro have kept me going - if the meds work then take them !! I look at it as giving me more quality time until a cure is found.........................
hi tank u for your answer is madapor same as sinemet it just seems a lot of tabs 2 start with i also take 5 tabs a day 4 heart condition and depressionn i started yoga but just get so down and wrecked how ru keeping do u work im tryin 2 work 5 days but its impossible sorry for whinging