I have suddenly lost my sense of taste. ... - Cure Parkinson's
I have suddenly lost my sense of taste. Loss of smell has been gone quite awhile. Does anyone have. Any advice... Solutions??

Same here. Neuros say "It's a typical problem w/PD & there is no remedy".
I guess that's why it's called medical "PRACTICE".
My sense of taste has come and gone! Hopefully yours will return too! I have not lost my sense of smell! Thank God! These are effects of PD and everyone is different! But I would advise that you speak to your Neuro about it!
hi i answered a similar post yesterday
i los tmy sense of smell adn taste many years ago - put it down to sinuses setc
i hav epsp and i tis probably never going to return
lol jIll
What I miss about losing my sense of smell, which also steals your level of taste is the sweet smell of the woman I was married to, and the bouquet of wine and all the subtle flavors of my favorite foods.
My sense of smell is such that I can often smell things not present.
I was out in deep snow a few weeks ago and all I could smell was Violets.
My sense of taste is different, I have a craving for sharp salad dressings they seem to stimulate my taste buds and help generally.
My smell / taste is also pretty much gone. I tend to eat more spicy foods - can't taste them but gives an experience. I too smell things that aren't present. Sorry, no solutions for you - but think its a regular 'parky' thing.
I have the same problem. I don't smell much but do sometimes smell something chemical that is not there. Wish I could smell violets like Oldtyke. I can usually taste liquids but not solids.
I love my tea and will really miss it if I get to the point when I can't taste that.
Interestingly your brain will soon help with what things smelled like and tasted like before you lost your olfactory nerves. Just another part of the autonomic system typically attacked by PD. Many studies link this to weight loss in PD as well. If I can't taste a good steak or smell it on the grill, why eat one?
But your brain will soon remanufacture the smells and somewhat the tastes.
Smells like....... wet dirt in the early spring after a rain, or that steak on the grill. I find myself tasting more by texture and the saliva output from my tongue (sweet, sour or bitter).
You have to be careful though. I was cleaning the basement shower room with bleach and was light headed and my throat was raw before I realized why!
I have never had a sense of smell. But recently, after taking the homeopathic remedy Psorinum for another reason, I discovered to my amazement the smell of oranges, raspberry jam, hyacinths, and some others not so nice -- more every few days -- things I never knew even had a smell! I've checked, and Psorinum also helps with loss of taste. It may not work for everyone as remedies are chosen on the basis of the individual, but do give it a try. Good luck!
Can you tell me where you get Psorinum
Are you in the UK? I use Helios -- helios.co.uk - and I use liquid remedies called LMs, as these often work when the pills don't. You start with LM1 and work up. Helios have a pharmacist who could advise you. It was when I used LM5 that I started to smell things. I haven't taken another for weeks, but am smelling something new nearly every day.
To be honest, I would work through a homeopath, as you will may get help with other problems too.
I lost my sense of smell some time back and have recently noticed my sense of taste has almost gone.
I can imagine the taste from the texture - such as the silky smooth of white chocolate - and recently decided to eat more fruit - but it would be a challenge since I was never that fussed a\bout fruit. Accordingly, I used the Liquidiser to create real fruit smoothies - this morning was a banana, large apple, whole orange (skin and all), pear, grapes and blue berries with a low fat yogurt AND I could taste the orange peel - wsonderful
Thanks to all.... I find it even harder to maintain my weight and energy level.
thanks for mentioning that etterus. i have dropped 40 lbs. in the last year. and was down to 101. finally after a long time i have gone between 109 and 110. i hope.
it's not easy to gain weight any more then it is to lose it.
but i have been drinking a chocolate flavored powder, mixed in a blender . it contains high protein and called serious mass . tog . with carnations essentials. 4 or 5 ice cubes, i cup of milk, and two or three scoops of vanilla ice cream. the serious mass comes from the health food store. it has taken a couple three months, to gain what i have. but at least i'm not losing anymore. ohh and it tastes good too.
that's my lunch every day. so here's hoping it continues. i even have some muscle back in my arms, instead of loose skin.
It's strange how slowly the loss of those 2 senses was, but what a difference it made. Texture has become my driving force in eating. I guess I make things much spicier than before just for the sensation. I don't really taste, but I feel the burn. I have also started eating more sweets than ever before. Not sure why, chocolate tastes more like an ashtray than a sweet, nothing tastes like I remember. I loved food I could copy recipes from tasting them, cooking was fun, now I almost dread meal time. Nothing appeals to me i"ve lost 40 lbs in six months and could care less about what's for dinner. There is so much more to than most people realize, if the drs quit focusing on just the movement part and looked at everything, maybe more people would be treated sooner. If only there was a way to inform people.
i was detected having this disease in december 2003 though i lost my sense of smell much earlier surprisingly i never had asthma problem thereafter..but i still enjoy the taste.