As one of the site's admins, I feel compelled to interject every once in a while. I have had PD now for 5 years. Those 5 years have been both the worst and the best five years of my life.
Some of you willl have not read beyond the word 'worst' in that last sentence but i wanted you to see the word 'best'.
Because I chose to do something. I chose not to be defeated. I chose to fight back. I chose to be an advocate. I chose to help myself and when I had done that, to help others.
When I was diagnosed, I was the only person in the world with PD. But as time passed I found I wasn't. I lived, I learned, I taught.
I decided I was going to make a difference. I was going to give my life back its meaning. Little by little. Inch by inch.
I chose to crawl inch by inch from the darkness back into the light.
That was my choice. And the choice of others. We founded PARKINSON'S MOVEMENT because we wanted to help.
But you have to choose the light or the dark. I can't do it for you. This was my choice.
Now, what are you going to choose?