To whom this may concern:
I am writing this letter to send to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundations and other groups. Frankly, I am upset with all the Parkinson’s cruises and parties and other “fun” activities that are advertised. Granted, Parkinson’s foundations need fund raisers to raise cash to keep the research going for a cure. I have found NOBODY says anything about the Parkinson’s Disease sufferer that wonders where they can scrape enough money together to get their next dose of meds even with insurance. I am one of those people.
I will never be able to afford the cruise or go to one of the conventions. That’s OK. I am sure there are lots of PD suffers in the same boat.(no pun intended) So why does the internet and other media give us a break and start helping those who really need the help. Mr Fox and other organizations have lovely web sites and are strongly pursuing a cure through stem cell research and other means. I am happy for them and their missions. But, how about helping those of us who aren’t financially secure and have a hard time paying for a $3 prescription at the local Wal-Mart Pharmacy
. My story is simple. Due to tremors and sever joint pain, I cannot hold down a job. I am on my third appeal for SSI (which by the way, the third appeal has a 16 month backlog in the courts) and I have not had any substantial income since May of 2009. I am getting some help from the state of Minnesota with food and earn a meager 150 a month paycheck and free rent for caretaking an apartment building and yes, that person at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy is me! I consider myself lucky for what I have. There has to be lots out there a lot poorer off than me.
So please put yourselves in our shoes. It’s time to help today’s PD suffer. To Mr Fox and all the other organizations, how about rallying at Social Security to help those of us who need support now and still work for a cure of PD. I challenge anyone to live a month in my shoes.