Good day fellow Parkie's & Caregivers, woke in an exceptional mood this morning and thought I would try to bring a smile to someone's face. A few years back, while still working, I was asked to say a few words at a service banquet about a co-worker being honored for her years of service to the organization. This person was not only dedicated but also had an infectious smile & a wicked sense of humor. I had read a poem somewhere that fit my friend but am beginning to see how it could R/T my PD and hopefully you will see the humor in it as well.
I believe this is a poem about the Hallmark character named MAXINE---Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a attractive & well-preserved body BUT rather to skid in (or if you have PD --fall in.....LOL) sideways with chocolate in one hand and a beverage of choice in the other ( I thought a 'shake' would be appropriate here--), your body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming wooooooooohooooooooo-WHAT A RIDE.!!!! My friend loved it, the audience laughed, and I received compliments from upper management on my presentation.
I try to find humor in each day--------not always easy but as long as one can try to smile each day the good endorphins get the upper hand.