on September 10th...where I will be evaluated for physcal, that is being ON n OFF meds and memory test...as for psych, as I am already under treatment for depression, i a=don't need that....will let u guys know how that went...still a couple of weeks away...
DBS Evaluations......: on September 10th... - Cure Parkinson's
DBS Evaluations......

Have fun sorting blocks! The cognitive skills tests I took were quite challenging. Good luck with your procedure.
Good wishes - I had DBS last September 2011. Would do it again no question! Tony xx
My husband had DBS in 2004,he had all the tests,they are very tiring but well worth it.
He says he would go through it all again as the DBS is brilliant.
Good luck and take care it might be a good resut for you in the end please Godx
Good luck, I had DBS this year April10th 2012, got my life back.. Go in to your testing with a positive " look what I can do" and "look what I can't do" attitude, SO what happens! do your best there are others who get up everyday looking at the reality they are 1 more day closer to the end with cancer, etc, I am so thankful for the DBS !! Is life hard with Parkinson?? YOU bet but it is what you do with what you have. My friends started giving me scare crow stuff from the movie "The Wizard of Oz" LOL the scare crow went to Oz for a new brain. I started signing my emails , "My future's so bright I gotta wear shades, then bought cheap sunglasses, gave to 30 people at a fundraiser they held to help me with bills. Then we had a group photo of us with our glasses.. My point is you will be fine if you allow your self to be , Lets us know how it goes.
Echoing all the other comments about DBS success. A caution. If you are already being treated for depression, expect it to be worse until your program is perfect. You will feel initially great, then the swelling in brain from surgery is reduced and the programming begins. You are expecting to feel as good as you did the week after the surgery, and you won't see the magic for a while and it will make you sad and you will wonder if it was worth it. WAIT. It took 8 tweaks to get this program right, and still get reprogrammed every once in while.
I hope the psychiatrist that evaluates you has a better sense of humor that the one who did mine. He did not appreciate my comment that I was not any more adept at some parts of test that I had been when I took the SAT's in high School. I did very well on majority of cognitive test because I was an English teacher and a good gin rummy player. - asked for lots of definitions and a card game that was similar to gin. If you have similar evaluation - good luck. The mobility test was emotionally hard as I had to be off meds to point that I could hardly move and that was difficult.