I am a 56-year-old female. My maternal grandmother and my father both had Parkinson's disease. I have been told there is no genetic correlation, but with this history, I have to wonder. What do you all think?
genetics: I am a 56-year-old female. My... - Cure Parkinson's

Hi I do not feel qualified to answer this question but suggest that it might be an idea to address the question to a neurologist. I have also picked up along the way with my 18 year journey with Parkinson's that there is no genetic correlation but this is only hearsay. Tony xx
When I first discovered that I had PD I was given a DNA test to see if I carried the gene. I don't.
I have read several articles where many family members had PD...assumed it was genetic.
As far as I'm aware there is no history of Parkinsons in my family ( parents or maternal or paternal grandparents / great grandparents )
thanks to all you for your input. I appreciate it.
I hada gene tests for two PD strains - took a year to get the results which were negative. You can ask your neuro to do these tests. There is also 23andme.com/
Hi Rubysgirl56, my family history ---maternal grandfather had PD, my uncle, his son also had PD, my mother had LewyBodies dementia in her late years (dementia assoc with PD)--she herself while never diagnosed had severe tremors and frequent falls. Recently found out that I have a cousin with PD---my maternal grandmother's niece . Have never been tested but seems to me there is a strong genetic link in my case. Gail
Hi Ruby i have a close family member with it too. Originally it was thought the cause was all environmental but in recent years that has changed i believe.
Approximately 15 percent of people with Parkinson disease have a family history of this disorder. Familial cases of Parkinson disease can be caused by mutations in the LRRK2, PARK2, PARK7, PINK1, or SNCA gene, or by alterations in genes that have not been identified. Mutations in some of these genes may also play a role in cases that appear to be sporadic (not inherited).
Hi Ruby, I'm Kathy and I am a 68 year old grandmother with Parkinson's. I don't know about my family history. My mother was adopted and my father deserted us when I was 14 months old, I don't know anything about his family nor my mothers. But my question can they test you to see if you have passed it on to your children?
Hugs, Hugs, Hugs
Hi Kathy,
The genetics of Parkinson's is very complicated. Although there are defininitely a few genes which are out and out inheritable they usually show in younger onset Parkinson's. 20-40 years ish
Otherwise, there are gene types which can make you react more easily to environmental challenges. These only produce Parkinson's in people if they have that particular environmental challenge. So even if you do have them you might never 'get' Parkinson's because you don't come into contact with the thing that triggers it.
Despite all that most people's Parkinson's seems to be a condition of cell damage with aging.
Who knows what understanding the future will bring...
Hi Ruby,
My father in law had PD, and so did his daughter. His brother had motor neurone. My son in law has PD, his brother had MS and his mother had motor neurone. I have PD and there is nothing on either my mother's or father's side that relates neuroelogically. .Years ago, I had a severe dose of rubella and encephatis. I understand that the latter can be a trigger.
Difficult to know.
Here is a link to the Parkinson's UK document which informs people about inheritence and Parkinson's. I hope it will be useful.
I am thankful for all the input today. I also had rubella as a child. Something for me to think about. Thanks for the UK link, Soup. I'll look into that.
My Mother and two living brothers, one deceased brother and two of my Mother's brothers all have/had PD! Genetic????? Form your own opinions, I guess! I know what mine is! Talk to your Neuro!
So hard to say... My Mom and 2 of her cousins hadPD. I have PD and but my siblings do not... Yet.. I think we can be predisposed but it is hard to say what triggers it. Kind of like cancers too. Many members of my family have had cancer and celiacs, many have not... I got it all! I am the lucky one... LOL
know what you mean. I seem to have all the family predispositions for heart, lung and neuro troubles. Mother's side has lots of cancer, so I keep a close watch with the screenings that they recommend (pap, mammo and colon), just to be sure. Sorry to hear of your struggles. I hear celiac is a bear.
my neuro says it is in the genes, but not genetic, more like mutation. Doesn't mutation mean it would be genetic?
my neuro says it is in the genes, but not genetic, more like mutation. Doesn't mutation mean it would be genetic?