I go into a catatonic state like in awak... - Cure Parkinson's

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I go into a catatonic state like in awakenings with robin william,Has anyone seen the movie?and has gone thru this.

caseyjones profile image
7 Replies
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caseyjones profile image
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7 Replies

I have seen the film and it is very very powerful..... I don't have those symptoms but I can 'loose' moments. I don't like that, not one bit. One of the 'tricks' in the movie was to make sure the brain stayed connected, example the woman and the checkered floor and also there is an example on youtube of an elderly man and music waking him up.... my suggestion is (and I do this) I have multiple interests and I spend some time on each one..... that keeps my attention, eliminates any chance of boredom and I get a lot done :-)



caseyjones profile image

I agree, being active with Parkinsons is very important,Been keeping myself active from day one 11 years ago.I get my therapy mostly from my 3 year cockerspaniel dog,7 city streets to the park and a walk around the park and back,Played guitar since I was a teen,I seemed to be more focus now on playing then I ever did,Even when my hands hurt.The part about the Catatonic state was DX by a neuro specialist in the hospital while I was in that state of being catatonic and L-DOPA had taken me out of that state .Im sorry and don't mean to disagree with you Wayne P, catatonic state are not just linked to Menengitis,The main word is linked .We or doctors can not explain the workings of the entire Brain and what links different disorders and why we don't have the same symptoms,We all know here as patient and try to teach each other,That parkinsons can be very complicated and unexplainable,As it was found L-DOPA helped these patient's with the link to this rare disease that nobody new about and written these patients off for goners,Which at on point Parkinsons was a rare disease also,Then they said it was very rare for young people to have parkinsons,That's alot of us here that were Mis-DX for something else and lost time,So the word is linked, L-DOPA was used in the movie for this rare disease linked to Menengitis and L-DOPA is linked to Parkinsons it main use,In the beginning Robert Deniro was a little boy and the teacher than his mother noticed crimped hand writing,Crimped hand writing is one of the things movement Disorder doctor look for in a dx in Parkinsons,I not writing this to prove anything to anyone,Except maybe to show how focused I can be.lol,and we are not here to DX anybody .only share each other experiences and helpful hints to make our lives easier,I leave all my DX's to my Doctors,Not to mention listed as one of best doctors in the New York area,Please let us just help each other with this Disease with helpful hints and not.You don't have that!!,without a degree and a confirmed complete workings of the brian please do not DX,I love this site I really do,But came across alot question turn into a DX,God Bless everyone here and thanks for you hints in keeping well.Once again I m sorry , I hope nobody takes this writing as a attack,Movies or stories can be read in different ways like Art,everybody see Someone else in it,When this symbol !! is use it not use in writing to be pleasant form of communication in writing.Please let be civil here,

WayneP profile image
WayneP in reply to caseyjones

I am sorry commenting to your post. Stay strong and positive in your fight. :)

For 10 years before I even got a dignosis of PD and started treatment

I had these episodes during the night which I can only describe as of being asleep, but quite aware of everthing going on about me, even the craving to get up and have a pee or a drink was impossible to do. (i had done it in my mind, but not physically, often waking up thinking I may have wet the bed)

Occasionally when out walking I also felt this coming on, aware of my surroundings but not knowing quite where I was. (In Folk lore called Pixie Lead)

I notice now with Madopar treatment this seems to have lessened, or not quite so deep, as I can usually get up after thinking about it for a while.

A very strange state of the mind indeed.

soup profile image

Could this be an extreme 'off' period of medication? Have you spoken to anybody about slow release formulations, patches or smaller but more frequent doses? Also a friend of mine was helped by apomorphine injections to bring him out of it quickly and before that he has a soluble formulation to take as he was "going off".

Have a chat to your specialist. That's what they are there for :)

caseyjones profile image

Sorry you felt it as a attack,But also like I said using the Symbol ! once is ok,But using in the symbol !! twice is a form yelling in the writing field now's the symbol !!! is overboard,Did you see me use ! when responding to you post,It's like writing in Capital letter as many people take it for yelling at someone when they getting their anger out in writng,Wayne p or should I say Dr. Phd WayneP for your need to DX people on this site is overboard,It's fine to put your input, but not even to meet the people with your great abilty to DX online and I say from your word "You don't have that!! and once again"that is exactly how I fell,I think I have that!!!,iTo make our friend's relax yes,but not to DX them to a point they may think oh let it go,It's nothing,Which alot of people do and don't go to doctors and if you look back carefully the women said she didn't have the symptoms and was just loosing moment nothing about catatonic states which my movement Disorder Doctor told me it was,I don't Know if you have a higher Education then him, but that was his dx on me and doctors in Cornell Hospital in NYC,I was the one who post the Question,As you said it was a rare Disease that just went away.Rare diseases also come back in differenent forms Chichen Box years later came back as Shingles as they found years ago to today.You also left out why L-DOPA was used to treat this linked disease to menengitis and this rare disease just went away.It was only putting a insight in on the Movie,Not a dx.Your reading ability may leave out certain points,being you did not respond in a civil matter again with the !!! is not showing what other people insights on, may be the topic people would like to look into and research like Robin Williams did in the movie,which the other doctors thought he was crazy trying to get to the bottom of things with this rare disease Parkinsons, it helps parkinsons patient to focus and Educated about parkinsons getting involved to be famular with this disease and not go right to being worried about this unexplained disease be educated with it by the proper sources and not be dx online,if you read other people post,They are giving hints to wellness and giving dx's right on the site to what people are feeling.People are posting I feel this, I feel that asking anyone else if they fell the same things,Not asking the other posters to answer with a dx.Which is clearly state not to do as you do on this,These posting are not being answered by medical professional's.Yes input is accepted,But replies like" You Don't have that!! by a non medical Professional is not acceptable.I do a have right to disagree,I did write I hope nobody took this as a attack,Why you only took it as attack against you,Show you take things very personnel and do want anbody input to be heard,form of controll,sorry I had no right to dx.These site should be monitored from medical professional's, people,Im saying people not point anyone out,Because it's not done on this site only,Other site posters feel the need to dx other's to ignore real problems for some and they don't go for real help,Their alot of patient that won't go to doctors,Because someone said you don't have that and leave it at that,until it's to late,To have your questions or issues correctly answered please they should be answerd by a Medical professional.Helpful hints yes is fine,but not DX online.I will no longer post a questions on this site,Because of the poor monitoring of poor advice from want a be doctors,Everyone else thank you for your helpful hints and I am offended when people use !!! to get their point across, which I never used in my response.Thankyou

olpilot profile image

sounds like sleep paralisis, not an uncommon sleep disorder, and PD has plenty of sleep problems.

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