With 1670 names on the directory for this blog, has anybody thought that there must be a fair number who are "flying solo" unexpectedly at this time of our lives? Has anybody thought of having our own dating agency?
Silly Idea?: With 1670 names on the... - Cure Parkinson's
Silly Idea?

I flew solo too for sometime, happily I am all 'lurved up' and re-married however had their been a PD driven or based Dating facility I am not sure I would have subscribed. I joined the Telegraph site Kindred Spirits and was just brutally honest. It is important to me to remember and remain in a non illness driven world, especially with matters of the heart. My advice however is go for it..... I did and it worked
I think it coul d work dependign on age and of course the progression fo the disease.
i have met a good man on a dateing website b4 my diagnosis and he is with me fo rbettr or worse (without the marital bit)
so i htink go for it
lol Jill
Would be interesting but who would care for who, it could be hard work. but if in love may work out .
I pray to have a fulfilling life and if a partner is needed for me to have a fulfilling life, he will show up
I have been divorced since 2005. While my ex did not have affairs due to my Parkinson's, I think I was seen as lesser to him. I finally could not put up with his cheating and divorced him.
I have been on dating sites for a couple of years, have met a lot of guys. Some I never hear from again when they know I have PD, others become friends. I have not yet met someone to date, don't know if I ever will.
One problem I see is proximity. On dating sites, my "matches" are always some distance away. Even when they are in town, it is difficult with children and schedules to spend significant time getting to know each other.
Who knows, it might be a worthwhile idea, at least the people would have something in common and an understanding of each other's situation from the start. Much is to be said for companionship and how it affects our health.
i too am on a dating site just joined, ive put my pd in my discription part as few guys headed for the hills when i told them , but still guys getting in touch, the old gal aint lost it completly yet lol.
im on the site but if i dont meet someone it doesnt matter i have great friends and family, have you joined a site, there are plenty of nice single people out there. at least if we had a dating site we would all understand each other.
Hi Mitch
I still think it could work. Interesting that I have so far received 6 replies, all favourable. So, although the response rate is only 0.4%of group members including me, we can truthfully say that the idea has 100% in favour (I would have done well as a Politician).
I have dabbled with one or two on the 3-day trials. You never know, I might meet someone before I meet the grim reaper.
One big advantage of having our own site would be that we could gift-aid any profit to the Parkinson's Movement, and run it as a non-profit thing, which gives more tax breaks.
What would it take to set it up? More than one person, I am sure.
All for raising money for pd research and if there is a shaky big hunk out there all the better. We might have pd but we are still people who want the same things in life as others. My parents worry that i live alone and im only early onset pd. Dont know how you would start it. I have single friends who would date a parkie, now they know its not contagious lol.
And now we have started the dating thingy
lol blonde or brunette both tall beautiful business women,. the brunettes dad has pd, she is coming with me to the young persons with pd weekend. the blonde owns couple of businesses or there is my beautiful kid sister.
have you tried plenty of fish its a free site, always good for a laugh,
Hair colour is a matter of opinion, and is very swiftly changeable. It's what the hair is sprouting from that counts. And if they are tied up with their businesses then they are unlkely to want to be tied down by an old guy like me.
Anyway, we digress. There are a number of free sites, but they are financed by their advertising. I might try and contact someone high up in one of them for advice. I am sure that, if we told them what we were doing it for, then we might get a little help. All we need is enough info to put a plan together. We might then think it is too much for us.