I have a problem with the loss of taste. This ocurred once before over a year ago, but finally got it back, but since yesterday I can't taste my food! Anyone else experience this?
Anyone else experience a loss of sense of... - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone else experience a loss of sense of taste?

As a matter of interest, has your sense of smell gone with the taste? My two went together some years ago, as the result of a head injury, and my consultant said that they usually run together. I don't know if it is the same with Parkinson's, but I would guess that it is the same, whatever the cause.
The consultant also said that it was not unusual for them to come and go at will, but that would be a temporary thing. Mine never came back.
My sense of smell seems pretty good. I haven't lost that. It is true that they run together, so this is a mystery. Thanks for your input. My neuro said last time it happened that Parkinson's could be the cause, and that it may come and go like you said.
So you never got them back? How is that for you?
It can occasionally be a lack of zinc, might be worth a go if your doc is ok with it. best wishes Caz
My hubby has lost sense of smell but not taste, must be awful another pleasure taken away
Yes I have lost my sense of taste and my sense of smell seems to be leaving me too. This is fine when I am cooking but if we go out I miss it.
yes I have kiss my sense of taste and smell. I love to cook but cant taste anything.
Have a Blessed Day
I've been told thats a fairly early sign, starting to to lose you sense of smell and with it taste. My sense of smell started to fade several years ago, and sense of aste got worse as well. I loved to cook, and many time copy something smel and taste, no more. If I smell something it is not the right smell, it serms altered, usually not to the better. It seems the thing with food is more texture than anything. My tounge can sense salty, spicy hot, sweet and sour but not the parts the go with smell. Eating just isn't the same, now it's just something that must be done, one good thing is I don't offten over eat. I guess on slight benefit is we have 3 dogs that occasionally get pretty gassy, I never know unless I hear them...................8)
I lost my sense of smell (SOS) long before I had any other PD symptoms. I'm sure sense of taste (SOT) decreased or disappeared along with it. I've since read that SOS loss is often a precursor to PD. I went to ear/nose/throat specialists and their conclusion was that it was prob due to a sinus infection I had some time back... NEVER was it diagnosed as possibly related to PD. Sigh. Once again, that's why they calll it a medical PRACTICE!
On the positive side, like olpilot, I cannot smell the type of "gas" he was allulding to, can't smell skunks, etc. On the somewhat dangerous side, I could not smell a natural gas leak, cannot smell food or milk kin the fridge so don't know if it's spoiled, etc.
I read it's common to lose sense of smell. Maybe a predictator. Sometimes I do taste and sometimes not.
The not smelling natural gas is one of the worst things, I have balance problems eespecially when going into the off times. A few days ago I must have bumped a knob on the stove and turned on the gas, not far enough to turn on the igniters. I was just lucky a bit later to see the gas was on.
My granddaughter accidently turned on our gas stove in our 5th wheel. If my husband hadn't been there I'm afraid of what would have happened.
Funny you should put this comment up. I mentioned it on a post yesterday.
I thought perhaps it was just me, but since I started with Neupro Patches I seem to have recently lost my sense of taste.
A few years ago just before being diagnosed, I was always getting phantom smells,
usually Lavender or violets, but some times offensive like rotting flesh. I dare never mention to the Doc I thought he would have me committed. These have largely gone now, just occasional reappearances. I put the loss of taste down to the fact that I have a dry mouth in a morning it is almost glued up.
I taste foods less vibrantly than I used to. I now go for foods & drinks with stronger tastes. Of course, taste & smell are related. A few yrs back, my neurologist tested my smell through each nostril separately and it turned out I could smell some things from the nostril on my least PD affected side that I could not smell from the nostril on my most PD affected side. Also, others often remark about smells in the environment that I can't smell.