So here I am around year 10, and I know that my sort've pd honeymoon period is starting to fade. What I mean by this is I sense myself moving into a more serious phase, as my body stiffens more and as my drugs wear off my movement is now very impacted. However, I still remain undeniably well, hugely motivated, full of passion and steely determination. Despite 3 hours sleep on average ( 7 years ) I rarely nap in the day, I have stamina issues of course but I never give into fatigue. I take no anti depressants and am genuinely happy and upbeat 99% of the time. My wellness I put down to distraction. I do so much. From the radio show to my Heartart project, drumming and my 'Beat it' drum therapy campaign, to working with professional companies, window design for a fashion shop, brainstormer volunteer for a stately home, band and young persons mentor, writer, cook, fashion addict, I honestly believe pd doesn't have the chance to prioritize itself ... there is too much noise, activity, diversity, it can't be the focus, its way down the list.
I'm busy everyday, every hour of everyday, I rarely think about pd, about my symptoms, or my limitations. I subconsciously adjust in order to overcome stuff and use my brain to find solutions but thats about it. Yes I can get overwhelmed, yes sometimes I think 'why o why' but I used to before pd. And I have so much I want to do, tap dancing is next on my list, but I can't consider anything new for at least 6 month, but hell I will get around to it, for sure.
What works for me is the same as any technique or plan we may have, its totally individual. But keeping busy makes me feel valued, I'm contributing, I'm learning, I'm also sharing my knowledge and ideas. Not a bad legacy.
So today I will carry on distracting my brain, so that my pd processor goes into 'sleep mode' as it fails to even remotely get my attention, once more.