Parkinson’s Disease Associated With Neuro... - Cure Parkinson's
Parkinson’s Disease Associated With Neuroinflammation in the Brain, New Analyses Reveal

I am sorry to be a spoil sport, but we knew this 50 years ago.
It is great that they can now take pictures, but CAM practitioners have been working to reduce neuroinflammation since 1900.
I would really like to see some of these scientists working on the underlying causes of all neuro disorders - trauma/stress, toxins, stealth infections.
Unfortunately, while Big Pharma holds the purse strings of the vast majority of medical research, researchers are going to be enticed into finding new patentable medications that only address symptoms rather than finding cures.
I bought a stock recently just a tiny amount to support the company. This was listed on. X. Their developing a novel Parkinson’s treatment that.Could help symptoms and might be slightly disease modifying. I’m not giving the name but my point is.There are a lot of financial problems to developing anything new.
From X
This company has really good technology, and smart people working on it
Unfortunately short sellers bet on the fact that since it’s not NVDA and a micro cap that 99% of people don’t know about that it doesn’t matter if they have good tech and talented people, they can just pressure them enough since they burn thru cash to put them out of business force them to start a new company and regain investors to redevelop the tech
Hopefully they can survive and break new ground but I fear that as soon as Big Pharma gets wind of their promise of a cure the company will be bought out by a Big Phrma player and the research shu town and the results buried to protect proffits.
So how many specific examples of Big Pharma buying a "promise of a cure" and then burying it to protect their profits can you cite?
Of course "the promise of a cure" you are referring to is "a novel Parkinson’s treatment that.Could help symptoms and might be slightly disease modifying. " But that's a cure, right? When it's only going to be suppressed by a Public Corporation.
Sadly the gullible are drawn into these conspiracy theories, and still allowed to vote and drive a car.
Lately, during the pandemic, they have censored all alternative research to defend an experimental vaccines. Then people vote and do not like governments that do not operate in the interest of citizens including "the gullible are drawn into these conspiracy theories" which perhaps aren't theories and they are not gullible.
The freedom of care refers to the right of every individual to make decisions regarding their health and medical treatments. This concept implies that people have the right to choose from different care options, to refuse treatments they do not want, and to access clear and complete information about their medical condition. The freedom of care is closely related to the principles of patient autonomy and informed consent, and it is essential to ensuring respect for the dignity and rights of individuals within the healthcare context. In many countries, the freedom of care is protected by laws and regulations that safeguard patients’ rights.
everything else is communism, that is, where everything belongs to the government including the body even if done in the name of science.
We'll probably never know how many cures have been buried because Big Pharma would never spend money research them. If you think that Big Pharma is here to benefit us you're sadly mistaken, Big Pharma's only responsibility is to benefit their shareholders and they do that by devising patentable medications on which they make big proffits. An industry insider once famously said in his keynote speech at an industry symposium "a patient cured is a customer lost".
I think it may be our job as clinician- researchers to show Pharma how some alternative noninvasive non drug interventions can amplify th efficacy of their agents as well as the percentage of the population for whom their drug will be effective. That’s why I chose to focus on neurofeedback and photobiomodulation as both meet the above criteria with zero side effect profiles. I’m going g to write more about this on my Substack site.
Utter nonsense. They will be investigating any potentially profitable new molecule with benefits. I take it we are realistic about a "cure". If you are hoping to pop in the doctors for an hour, and come out with PD completely permanently reversed, then you are going to be dissappointed. Simon Stott provides a useful perspective
"As I have discussed many times on this website, a “curative therapy” for Parkinson’s is going to require three core components:
A disease halting mechanism
A neuroprotective agent
Some form of restorative therapy
Yes, this is pure nonsense, the idea that big pharma is hiding cures from the general public in order to preserve profits. I’m sure we’re all frustrated by the seemingly lack of progress for a cure, but let’s keep it real.
A disease halting mechanism
combined 1070 and 810nm photobiomodulation
A neuroprotective agent
1070nm photobiomodulation
Some form of restorative therapy
Combined photobiomodulation and QEEG-guided neurofeedback
This is being now been published in several studies of mine and others.
Marvin Berman
I would say that toxic load has a far larger effect than the others.
Trauma is part of over 90% of people I see, toxins in about 98% of cases and stealth infections in over 30%. There is always more than one cause.
So glad you posted this interview. Last month I went to a PD conference in Colorado and Dr.Dorsey was the keynote speaker and he gave away 250 copies of his new book " Ending Parkinson's Disease". I was fortunate enough to speak with him and after the conference I read his book. To say the least it was very compelling and informative. I earnestly recommend all parkies read the book. More info about Dr.Dorsey and his three co-authors can be found at this link
Cheers, Craig
Add common household insecticide permethrin to Ray Dorsey's list: