hormone info, I thought this was interest... - Cure Parkinson's
hormone info, I thought this was interesting. I posted another interview, info is what can help inflammation in brain/ hormones help .

Watched 5 mins but nothing about parkinsons unless I slept through it
He confirms a suspicion I have had that hormones play a big role in how our brains function. I have long thought that my early menopause (not hereditary) may have contributed to my diagnosis.
But I do wish there was a plain english version. The names of myriad components of the hormone balancing act had my head swimming.
There are oestrogen receptors absolutely everywhere including the brain. Female hormones seem to be protective, and when they drop in perimenopause we are more susceptible to a host of problems including Parkinson's. I believe that this is when I started to develop PD, starting with anxiety and fatigue in my 40s. I've also heard of younger onset women who had some unmasking or development of PD around pregnancy. Perhaps also due to hormone levels changing.Women have historically been underrepresented in studies around PD, and yet the gender differences might provide answers beneficial to everyone.