I recently started a treatment called Parkinson solution. It’s all done remotely via phone or email. Curious if anyone on here has any experience or information about this treatment I understand the treatment was initially offered only through the doctors office in California, but now that it’s done remotely the prices is half of what it was making it $3000. Thanks in advance for your insight.!
Parkinson’s Solutions : I recently... - Cure Parkinson's
Parkinson’s Solutions

You’re shelling out $3K and you don’t even know that much about it? My insight is scam!
Is this the place? It is run by a chiropractor in Huntington Beach (nice place. I went to a wedding there). parkinsonssolution.com/
I take issue with a chiropractor offering these kinds of services. They don’t have the proper medical training and the hyperbolic language on their website really bothers me.
If you’re looking for natural options, I might point you towards Laurie Mischley, a naturopathic physician who also underwent a movement disorder fellowship. That is a fellowship training typically undergone by neurologist who want to specialize in Parkinson’s.
Benzi Kluger, a movement disorder specialist (now in Rochester, but previously the head of the mood disorders program at the University of Colorado) has excellent information about identifying what he terms “medical BS” (for free) on his website. Please take a moment to review what he has to say about this- benzikluger.com/dangerous-a....
In the meantime, because you have already spent the money (and presuming that you can’t recover it) I agree with the other person about trying to meticulously track the recommendations and their results. It would be a service to the community for you to report on those recommendations and what the costs involved are so others who are doing the research can take note before they spend their money.
Before I close, let me reiterate that I think that chiropractor is selling snake oil and BS
And maybe you could share what this program suggests you do, regarding diet, supplements and lifestyle activities?
my question would be what attracted you to it?
Hi Nito53
I have had PD since 1992. By 1996, I had learned how to overcome it, by walking as fast as I could, for a maximum of one hour, every second day!
I have been PD symptom-free since 1996. I am now almost 90 years old and I still do my fast walking, with the aid of a walker.
That means that I have been PD symptom-free since 1996 and I am still able to walk fairly fast with the walker, which I use, just in case I fall.
It costs nothing and, IT WORKS,
Read my book, 'Reverse Parkinson's Disease'