50m from India diagnosed 2 years back. On pramipax 1:5mg daily, last 3-4 months producing lots of saliva impacting my speech also.would like to know if anyone else has same experience and how to reduce this drooling; it’s really embarrassing
saliva and drooling: 50m from India... - Cure Parkinson's
saliva and drooling

"Food and drink
Some foods and drinks can anecdotally help reduce saliva production, you might try:
Please note that someone with reduced awareness or poor oral control should not be given chewing gum or food or sweets to suck as they present a risk of choking
Ginger (fresh, dried or tea)
Dark grape juice
Papaya juice
Sage (capsules, tea, tincture or powder)
Horseradish (capsules, tablets or powder)
Fresh ginger"
There are medications for excessive salivation but they come with quite a few side effects.
My husband has been using Atropine eye drops 1% under the tongue, 1 drop x 3 times daily. Just wondering, when you say the medications come with quite a few side effects, I’ve been very concerned about his cognitive decline of late. Or maybe it’s confusion. Could this possibly be a side effect of the Atropine?
Thank you so much for mentioning about the side effects. I have just googled and found rare side effects of the Atropine drops are confusion and poor memory! I have been very upset and concerned as I was thinking it was early dementia! We have a GP appointment early next week, I’ll mention to him. In the meantime I’ll try and introduce the other natural things you have mentioned. Thank you so much once again!
Hi Jenny! Cloves are also a good source for drooling and then some. You may soak a q-tip with clove oil, apply it to the roof of his mouth and swipe it on his tongue.
Hi Tina! Thanks so much for this info. I’ll get the clove oil today. We hardly slept last night due to the constant coughing. Neurologist wants him to go to a geriatrician to be assessed. It doesn’t make sense to me as since stopping the atropine drops his head is a lot clearer and his blurred vision has gone! Another nasty side effect of the atropine is glaucoma!
Hope you are both well!
Thanks, Jenny! Coughing is another PD symptom. Cough syrup or drops might help. Hubby is taking Ambroxol which is helping with clearing lungs. ALL meds have some nasty side effects.
Good luck, Jenny.
I cannot thank you enough, Tina, for the advice with the clove oil! It is like magic, and no side effects. It’s changed his quality of life as the constant saliva was impacting on not wanting to go anywhere or see anyone. As an added bonus his coughing has considerably decreased also. Thank you! 🙏
Yes, my husband has had trouble with lots of drooling. His neurologist suggested that he take phosphatidyl choline and it does without a doubt make a significant difference. He takes 420mg twice a day I'm pretty sure. We currently are using the Source Naturals brand. I don't know what brands are available in India.
Hello Redginger
Just wondering how your husband is going with his drooling and if you’re still taking the phosphatidyl choline as recommended by his neurologist.
Yes, he still takes two per day and it does help still. It isn't perfect but much better than before we started it. However, there has been another factor introduced and that is a Gelb splint, an intraoral appliance, which makes it more difficult for him to keep his mouth closed, especially when he is in a low, which some of his lows are severe, or when he is very exhausted. Have you tried the PC at all?
Sorry this is late, but GREAT info. I just started HWP on the Atropine drops 3 weeks ago and was more worried about the cardio side effects, did not know about the cognitive. Will try the clove oil asap, as we were considering having him do botox injections for the drooling, that's what the neurologist suggested if the drops did not work. Apparently you go in every 3 months or so. I'll try the clove oil for sure. I just looked up precautions of using clove oil (use the organic oil from the bud, not the stems or leaves) and it said do not use it for prolonged use. Do you use it every day? For how long how have you been on it? How many times a day do you use it? Thank you - I also read that mixing it with coconut oil and putting our your wrists can help lower blood pressure, I'm going to try that too! THANK YOU!