We are using about 1 LPM oxygen and getting about 12 Gamma ozone bubbled in olive oil and breathing in nose or mouth. We are usually intaking in mouth which also kills all mouth bacteria. Is any one using any other protocols with results.
Ozone treatments benefit Parkinson's, whe... - Cure Parkinson's
Ozone treatments benefit Parkinson's, when my brother down two or three days 1/2 ozone really seems to energize him and clear his brain.

Ozone is a POISON! Everyone knows that. But bubble it through olive oil and it is 'reduced' meaning a hydrogen ion has been removed. If you're breathing ozone it triggers spasms in the bronchial tubes. Same as breathing very cold winter air. The spasms are the body trying to limit the ozone getting into the alveoli, the functional unit in the lungs. Like I said, very cold air makes you cough as the body want to warm the air before it reaches the deeper parts of the lungs. It reacts to ozone for the same reasons. I add ozone to my blood then inject it.
The blood has reduced the ozone same as olive oil.
hello, I am late int his thread because I do not get HU for some reason automatically in my email despite updating my preferences... any way, I am curious how to you do your ozone MAH IV's at home - I will get a machine that will be strong enough to do that and I have experience doing IV's, just wondering how you do it without being at a doctors office. Thank you - if I don' reply right away, its because I'll be traveling and do not get HU updates! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Please see my other reply to this original post. Also, I accidentally replied to the post below, not directly to you. I'm still waiting on my Promolife machine. My HwP has been doing MAH therapy for a year now, 1 to 4 x a month. It really perks him up for 24 to 48 hours, then he reverts back to his declining state. Thank you for any insights you may have!
Ozone is an extremely powerful oxidizer and is not to be inhaled. Bubbling it through olive oil will oxidize some of the olive oil but there will be plenty of ozone remaining. There is evidence that ozone will destroy pesticide on fruit and I use it for that purpose. I stay clear of the affected area until ventilation has cleared the ozone.
hello, I am late int his thread because I do not get HU for some reason automatically in my email despite updating my preferences... any way, I am curious how to you do your MAH IV's at home - I will get a machine that will be strong enough to do that and i have experience doing IV's, just wondering how you do it without being at a doctors office. Thank you - if I don' reply right away, its because I'll be traveling and do not get HU updates! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! Please see my other reply to this original post.
I think you meant to reply to kaypeeoh above. He is doing this and I am not.
I just ordered a Promolife ozone machine, will get it in 2 weeks or so. I will be using it for rectal and ear insufflations for HwP. We have been doing 1 to 4 IV MAH ozone treatments per month for almost a year. Husband perks up for 24 to maybe 48 hours after each IV treatment. I am hoping to prolong the ozone effects using the insufflations. I purchased the oil bubbler of inhalation, but may not use that til I get the insufflations right. Also, look at the PURO3 website for ozonated oil (many applications including dental issues) as well as the ozone suppositories. I will get some for days I cannot do the insufflations. It may be helpful. I have a lot to learn with the machine, but hope to post after we start using it. Good luck to all of us!