When the WHO listed carb/levo as a critical med to have on hand big pharma stockpiled it. Now stockpiles are running low or out due to the fact it is off patent and makes no $ for Big P leading to repurposing, and of course cessation of manufacturing. This results in a concerted effort to have Dr's try to put patients on repurposed meds that are under patent...keeping the money train flowing to Big P. This can result in something as simple as changing color and shape or adding a non related substance to combining two or more meds into one. Hang tough.
Scarcity does not directly correlate with... - Cure Parkinson's
Scarcity does not directly correlate with cessation of manufacturing.

All the more reason to stock up, as we have discussed before. With multiple pharmacy chains having issues - Rite Aid bankruptcy, CVS walk-outs, Walgreens walk-outs and closings, etc., it's the smart thing to do. Add to that, the global supply chain for many things is teetering on the edge.
I work in procurement and I see it across the board in various industries. All I say is, if you have the means, then consider inlaying as much back-up stock of meds and supplements as you can. And then rotate those supplies on a regular basis as you use them.
Crap on others in the parkinsons community...admirable!
You do you, and I’ll do me. Besides, I just warned the community what they should be doing. Those that will pay attention will, and those that won’t won’t.
And I'm similarly advising that your strategy means taking away and denying others in the community.
this is not a stockpiling for nuclear holocaust...its essentially to keep enough extra say...1 month...to safely come off the drug without NMS
for example...where i live every winter after a big snow storm my pharmacy runs out of some of my meds as the mountain passes close...i choose not to be in the hospital with NMS etc....i keep 1 month extra rotated before expiration to AVOID PANIC....at the suggestion of my Dr.
Thx for the info. Please explain back-up/rotate relative to expiration dates.
The “use by” date on prescription drugs always is a year. Is C/L shelf life actually longer?
i believe so....its quite a stable molecule when combined with carbidopa which is an enzyme inhibitor as it withstands breakdown in stomach acid conditions ie:resistant to oxidation/reduction.....this does not apply to liquid or spray form....just the pills