I signed up for this study. The jist of it is, they have a new drug that reduces off time. They already established safety and dose, etc, in previous studies. This study is only to compare the absorption differences or similarities between taking one 15mg pill vs 3 x 5mg pills. Thats all. Pays $5,683.33 and you just have to stay at their facility in Orlando Florida for 15 days.
If you are seriously interested, send me a private message. I will answer whatever questions I am able to and tell you how to get in touch with them.
Why is this study being done?
Cerevel has begun a study of a study drug called CVL-751 Tavapadon
(referred to in this
document as the “study drug”) to possibly treat Parkinson’s disease. A study drug is one that has
not been approved by the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
You are being asked to take part in this study because you have Parkinson’s disease. This study
involves research, which means that its purpose is to get information to advance science and
medicine, as opposed to providing you with treatment.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you do not want to take part in the study, your
decision will be respected. If you decide not to take part in this study, you can continue with
your current medical care.
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate if two different formulations of the study drug
(TAV-751) are equally absorbed when taken into the body (bioequivalence). This study will
compare blood level exposure between three 5 mg tablets (15 mg dose) to a single 15-mg tablet
in participants with Parkinson’s disease.
The study has been reviewed by Advarra Institutional Review Board (Advarra IRB) and any
necessary regulatory agencies, such as the FDA.
This is from the original email they sent me with all the info about where to inquire -
We have a new study that includes the following:
Volunteers with Parkinson’s Disease Needed for a Research Study
2 outpatient visits followed by 15-night in-house study 1 phone call
Up to $5,683.33 compensation for qualified participants.