Small precise steady mentally focussed-required movements, such as writing, flapping the thumb and the index finger continuously, speed-texting with both thumbs (hands) like youngsters do, laptop typing, certain type of body movements and so on... are really tough if not impossible for PwP
Instead of trying to avoid these tough but skilled movements with technologies such as speech to text technology, we should confront them and take them as like we do macro-exercises. We should take micro-exercises as seriously as well
So should try to write a lot, do raw texting, flapping of the thumb and index finger, more micro body movements even when we don't feel like doing them
And that's what I had in mind when I wrote this post a couple of months ago
But few thought I was seeking help and advise with texting because I found it difficult and were thus suggesting speech to text, stylus....
Micro exercises (as well as macro exercises) seems to be to be touching a particular part of the brain- initially I feel stressed (bordering headache) on a part of my brain particularly when doing compound-micro-actions either focussed actions or fast actions in quick successions