I came across an interesting video today.
The video says that there is a definite link between milk consumption and Parkinson’s disease. I was surprised.
I came across an interesting video today.
The video says that there is a definite link between milk consumption and Parkinson’s disease. I was surprised.
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Jump to repliesDr Mischley has been saying this for years with regard to any type of dairy.
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.... Even butter?
There is growing evidence between dairy and a lot of health problems. Best to avoid.
No milk. Period!
I was diagnosed with Parkinson's aged 41, my family ran a dairy and I certainly drank alot of milk!!!
I was always a big dairy consumer. I use to also haul milk for a trucking company. We took milk to Blue Bonnet Ice Cream. As a guest waiting to get unloaded we got to eat all we could but weren't aloud to take any off site. I gained 70lbs doing that job. I have almost totally cut out dairy except for some cheese and butter ( kerry gold) and a lot of my gut issues have been resolved. I have found really good alternatives for most of them. and of course in moderation.
I owned a cheese shop and upped my cheese intake at the time I was first showing symptoms
I don't think milk CAUSES PD, but if you have the genes for PD, I estimate it might possibly accelerate the disease progression. Plus phlegm!
Literally millions of people are drinking milk, as a drink, in coffee, on cereal, shakes etc. If true, there should be many many more people diagnosed with PD than there are, so logically there must be something else happening.
Apart from a couple of studies showing a correlation between milk consumption and PD, are there any "real" studies which have confirmed that drinking milk causes or accelerates PD? The studies that I have heard about don't really prove anything, do they?
Also, if butter is supposed to be fine, what about yogurt? Does anyone know?
‘The science of Parkinson's’ provides a well-readable, English-language summary of literature. The scope is that there indeed seems to be an increased chance of Parkinson's when drinking a lot of milk (more than half a litre per day). It's just about milk, eating other milk products like cheese and yoghurt doesn't seem to increase that chance of this disease. 🍀