Has anyone got any tips on moving around bed at night,i find it very difficult trying to change position
Moving : Has anyone got any tips on moving... - Cure Parkinson's
For me, a firm mattress makes it much easier to change positions.
Silk bottom sheets
Hi Tilly. You are probably physically unfit and the Pd does not help. You need to get fitter and the best way to do thata is to start Fast Walking. If you know nothing about what fast walking can do for your Pd at no cost whatsoever, then conrtact me at 'john.pepper.rpd@gmail.com and I will send you all the deatails for nothingfg. Is there a better deal than that?
That’s kind a rude of you to say she’s unfit, you don’t know her!
My apologies! I did say probably but should have said 'Possibly''.
Satin sheets and pajamas help a lot
Ditto on the silky material, add a barrier bar to help you pull when turning.
I understand why you don't want satin, but I thought I'd share this post for anyone else who might like to know about this trick. silverliningsandparkinsons....