medicine inerreaction
is it safe to take covet 19 vecine while ... - Cure Parkinson's
is it safe to take covet 19 vecine while taking parkinsons medicinesalso

Yes it’s safe. Many people have posted here that they’ve had the vaccine with no bad effects except maybe a sore arm and feeling bad for a day or two. A few people have reported an exacerbation of symptoms for a short period of time.
Parkinson's patients did not form part of any Phase 1 or 2 trials. As such it would be remiss of any medically trained individual to say that it is safe. Particularly in the medium to long-term. And this (med to long-term effects) also applies to a healthy individual
Until you make your own conscious choice, consider:
High Dose Thiamine therapy:
"Thiamine: A Missing Piece of the COVID-19 Treatment Puzzle":
Dr Mubeen's must-watch:
No problem taking the vaccine with the condition of PD. However, if you have any other conditions best to check with your doctor who knows your full medical history.
In Canada - doctors are FORBIDDEN to speak to their patients about the risks and downsides. They will lose their license if they address risks.
Now that's interesting.
It's almost certainly not true either. Ryzlot is a tiresome conspiracy theorist
It's classic conspiracy theory twisting of the truth
Maybe it you are done name calling you can embrace actual science and evidence.
I asked for and received a copy of the order from the Collage of Physicians and Surgeons (Ontario directly) Here is a quote that you can confirm yourself
"Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted. When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.”
Later it describes the penalties and exactly what is expected.
I read it. It says what the article I quoted said it says. "if you give misinformation to your patients then you can face disciplinary action. What's the point you are trying to make?
It was you that said I was a "tiresome conspiracy theorist" You ignore science, facts, common sense and logic. If you read the document it says doctors can NOT discuss factual information with patients regardless of the situation. My point is that people have no where to turn if they are unable to access reliable, factual information. That suppression serves to prove my point.
where does it say "doctors cannot discuss factual information"?
Ps - I notice you have edited your original post. Can you supply a copy of the source document you are pretending to reference?
And collage??
I have not edited my post - you are wrong yet again. You can get the full document from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. If I give you a copy you will just say I edited it, so invest in getting an original. There are also many examples of medical practitioners who have been sanctioned for saying that masks don't work, or jabs are ineffective - just do some research with an open mind.
Some people with certain health conditions have been told by their primary care doctor not to take the Covid vaccine until advised otherwise.
They are not asking the doctor to give their opinion on the vaccine itself but advise a patient based on their personal health situation if they should take the vaccine.
My husband with Parkinsons took the Pfizer vaccine and had no adverse reactions. The first shot actually boosted his energy for a day or two and the second shot gave him a sore shoulder for a day or two. His reaction was not any different from any other vaccine he received in his lifetime. I wish you only the best with your decision for yourself and your family. Consult with your doctor as he/she knows your complete history. I wish you only the best. Please be safe and be well!
Since it’s experimental who can honestly answer?
What's experimental? Some vaccines have now been fully approved by the FDA (here in the US). Hundreds of millions of actual, living and still breathing humans have taken them. Studies are constantly being done, true, but that makes us safer, not in more danger. Meanwhile, Covid-19 continues to spread, mutate, and sicken or kill. We don't know everything, but we do know that.
Because of age--65--and PD I got the Pfizor vacc months ago. No problems with the shot nor with the booster shot. Kinda weird that the clinic was set up in an Indian Casino in Conn.