Parkinson's disease: - Cure Parkinson's
Parkinson's disease

As one expects, an exhaustive article, on balance a good one, with good info, but...but to nit-pick a couple points, it says it takes 1000 mg of levodopa/day for 4 weeks to determine levodopa (un)responsiveness. Seems pretty high to me as few people, even those without PD, would experience nothing from such a high dose making it a pointless criteria and it says average time between first sign of symptoms and disx is ten years which is not reflected on this forum.
It happened to my husband. First symptoms were 10 years before diagnosis, maybe even longer. I can now explain all these symptoms which I couldn't then. . .
Why did he wait that long?
Because we had no idea what Parkinson's was all about. Fatigue, frequent urination, jerking during his sleep, and some other subtle symptoms were not symptoms to alert us for what it was coming. Pinky minor intermittent tremor started 2011. We were overseas at that time. . .
Our Parkinson’s story started in about 2013....around our 50th anniversary. He had been diagnosed then. We noticed facial freezing and some left hand tremors. Yes, movement at night. Now he is going judgement problems plus some hallucinations which he is aware of so it’s not a problem. He doesn’t want new meds for it. He takes 2 Car/lev a day plus Resigiline once in afternoon. We’re not sure if his problem with falling and forgetting why, was due to med or lack of. We had a scary instance when he was simply putting something in the dishwasher and passed out to where I had a hard time getting him up....his foot was caught. Finally I got him on a rolling chair and tried to get him to his recliner in the living room and he was unresponsive. Our daughter and husband came over and didn’t like how he looked so we called 911. At ER they ran several tests and all were normal. We were home in 2 hours and asked some questions which he answered but doesn’t remember any of it. So, what was it? His reg Drs. Reviewed it all and don’t know either. PD is just plain strange. So, I can’t what you can expect. In Dec. our kids decided to have work done on our house so moved us to a Retirement Home, moving some of our stuff and have put more in storage. It’s slow going. At first I didn’t quite know what was going on but it seems kids didn’t trust us living alone what with basement stairs to laundry and other hazards even tho our youngest adult son lives at the house too. . It’s ok here, laundry is in our apt. And 2 meals in dining room, tho I rarely get to the morning one because I sleep late. He gets there sometimes and brings something back tho I’m fine with our coffee and toast in the apt. As long as he doesn’t drink all of the coffee. Now I’m wondering if we should stay. We are in late 70’s. He has some tremors and I have trouble hearing what he’s saying and he falls asleep a lot while watching T.V. He has minor hallucinations and balance is off. It’s difficult for him to get into bed. I have Fibromyalgia and Diabetes. All this COVID stuff hasn’t helped....we were tested a lot and now have been vaccinated. We still drive and go to church....I shop a little but he doesn’t. We exercise here or he goes to a PD boxing class a mile away. As yet our PD support group isn’t meeting but one thing we’ve learned is that everyone’s PD is different. We have an old friend here whose legs move all the time when sitting, and some other tremors. He uses a walker and legs seem fine. He’s 92 tho. Wife in 80’s and my old friend. We never thought we’d ever be here together. Life and PD are strange. Good luck with both
From the article: "fortunately, Parkinson's disease is treatable, particularly when the interventions are delivered with a personalized approach and by well-trained experts. Hopefully treatments will continue to evolve, with a tangible effect on people with Parkinson's around the world.
Good joke!
I wrote our story but wanted to comment on your dog. We lost ours, just like that, about a week before moving to the retirement home. I sure miss him. He had diabetes but had a tumor too, I think. Poor baby. He was such a sweet dog. Loved everyone.