I am interested because of its' ability to stimulate autophagy in the mitochondria.
Is anyone using Rapamycin for Parkinson's? - Cure Parkinson's
Is anyone using Rapamycin for Parkinson's?

It is a prescription drug
I would like to, but, what park_bear said. Plus I think it costs a fortune...and you'd never get insurance to cover.
Not that I don't find it frustrating too, but...it is a cancer drug. Get diagnosed w/cancer and you will be all set! (My tongue is in my cheek here.)
I eat strict keto and fast, to try and get to the same level of autophagy, but would I rather take a pill? You bet!
I would like to try to do keto but I have no idea how to do it and every time I look at books to figure out how to do it and what to buy and went to eat and all that other stuff it’s a frustrating and I just don’t bother. I thought about getting a keto food delivery service but even then I’m not sure if it’s the right food or not. What do you use?
It's VERY hard to do the strict keto correctly to attain the benefit and unfortunately most people don't do this correctly. It's basically to mimic prolonged fasting, but I would not recommend it for the long term except for intermittent cycling (a few weeks) because it causes a gut bacterial shift. If anyone is not willing to thoroughly investigate the ketogenic diet, I would not recommend it since it is extremely restrictive to stay in ketosis and it's not ideal for those who tend to lose weight too fast. You're better off trying intermittent daily fasting (not eat for a long window) unless you're very disciplined and willing to put in a major effort measuring and logging all your food intake. You can optionally try water-fasting 1-2 times a week.
My only issue with intermittent fasting is and as much as I like it is that if I don’t eat regularly I tremor far more because my blood sugar spikes or it goes low and that makes my body tremor more. Basically any kind of stimulatory action in my body takes on from gastric to anxiety to stress or anything of that nature. I mean even blowing my nose or crying or anything that disrupts the Vagus nerve or enteric nerve virtually leaves me in a tremor state no matter how much medication I’ve taken.
Sorry to hear that. Though the keto diet may have you go through an adjustment period for a few weeks of suffering - read up on Keto Flu. Once you're in ketosis though, I like how clear my thinking is and it also really improves your sense of smell. It's worth trying as long as you're motivated. Once you're keto-adapted, intermittent fasting should become a piece of cake.
I would like to try to do keto but I have no idea how to do it and every time I look at books to figure out how to do it and what to buy and went to eat and all that other stuff it’s a frustrating and I just don’t bother. I thought about getting a keto food delivery service but even then I’m not sure if it’s the right food or not. What do you use?
Oh! Not that hard, just somewhat restrictive, and number one--you have to be willing to cook. Pretty much no packaged foods. But I love what I can eat. Check out dietdoctor.com/low-carb (Do NOT bother to join...just read the free stuff.)
I'm off to the grocery and when I get back I will tell you more.
Yes I have no problem cooking. Thank you!
You want fat calories to make up about 80% of your diet and protein to make up most of the rest of it. You want to eat as few carbs as possible. But think about that--since fat is more caloric, it DOESN'T mean that you are eating 80% fat. Plus, since veggies have a lot of fiber, you can still eat a lot of those (and you should).
Basically (to simplify) you can eat any meat, any green vegetable (maybe not peas) tomatoes, onions/garlic in moderation, raspberries, blackberries. Heavy cream, butter, eggs, cheese, oil, nuts. Any herb or spice...but be wary of blends that might contain sugar.
You cannot have ANY sugar, flour, bread or cake, beans, corn, potatoes, fruit, bbq sauce, maple syrup, agave syrup, beer...um what am I forgetting?
The good news is that there are substitutes out there now--King Arthur makes keto baking flour and baking sugar (or you can buy almond flour) and there are all kinds of sweeteners... and the internet is an incredible source of recipes.
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