Here is a tip on how to manage your medication without thinking on the time all day.
The prerequisites are:
1) many dosages of the same type of medicine throughout the day
2) the same time between dosages.
3) Same amount of medicine per dose.
Find your mobile and find the clock symbol and select it.
The next option under the time is countdown
Select and set the time for countdown value ( the time you choose here is the time between your medication. (let us say 3 hours in this case).
You will never touch this value again (unless you have a change in your medicine plan)
To show you how this works, I'll show you how I do it:
You wake up in the morning (without alarm clock) about 0800 to 0900 (or other time and take the medicine (I take sinemeth 25/100 1.5 tablets (these are ready in the dosing box where 7 days are entered).
You have already entered the time between each dose and it will always be ready in the system.
Take the first medisin and press start countdown.
After 3 hours the count down is finished and the alarm vil sound and take the medicine and press START THE COUNTDOWN AGAIN, and put the phone in your pocket or place it where you hear the alarm.
After 3 hours again the alarm goes off and then all you have to do is take medicine next dose
Press START AGAIN and this is how the day goes.
Benefits of this?
I do not devote the disease and that brain medication to a thought throughout the day.
Total freedom is the name, trust the technology.
But, after many years of practicing this setup, there are 3 things you just have to follow otherwise it will go wrong.
A) Take the medicine as soon as the alarm sounds. Drop everything else you are dooing and take it IMMEDIATELY.
SHOULD JUST .... causes you to forget to take the medicine and then the system is blamed, which is completely wrong.
Should it curl at this point, let the alarm go off until you have taken the medicine
B) Press START COUNT AGAIN as soon as you have taken the medicine.
C) Keep your mobile phone near you at all times so you hear the alarm
If you hear poorly, set the alarm to full output on a frequency you hear it.
It's amazing that something so simple becomes so complicated when you have to describe it with language.
Maybe a smartwatch will work better for someone?
So, in summary, take the medicine and press START COUNT DOWN every time the alarm goes off.
Hope this helps