Hey everybody, I know the world is pretty much shut down right now but I’m hopeful that someday soon everything is going to open back up and will resume sort of normalcy. With that said, I have to admit I have been dreaming of hiking Mount du Blanc. Yes I know. 105 miles of pure Bliss or Hell. I was curious if anybody else is feeling the need to experience the world to the best of their ability with Parkinson’s?. I have an urgency to do all the things i have wanted to do but have not yet done And I was thinking it might be fun to have a group of parkies to take on this/a challenge. Is there anyone else there that feels the same ? ? If so do you think possibly we could form a group where we could together take on this/a challenge? Just putting it out there .... I feel aN urgency because a window Is closing but would rather acknowledge that it is open for now. I’m Envisioning a group of people with challenges taking on a bigger challenges and supporting one another throughout... please don’t beat me up! Feeling vulnerable with This post but seeking kindred spirits and ideas..
Missing adventure!: Hey everybody, I know... - Cure Parkinson's
Missing adventure!

Sounds like a wonderful idea. Let’s hope others think so also.
I take it you are referring to the Mont Blanc hiking trail - there are many variants. It's a tough enough trail if you do the 7 day hotel and hostel variant. My brother in law did that last year with his uncle (both aged 60!) in the middle of the July heatwave, and Paul has had major knee surgery . It's beautiful scenery
If somebody will fly me over, round-trip I'll give it a go.
Perhaps I'm remembering this wrong, but I thought I read about a group of Parkies that took a raft trip down the Colorado River.
It's 7 days , 7 hours a day, of 5mph walking, including a lot of serious hills. You don't need anyone to fly you over - assuming you fly to Geneva for Sonimodul, you are practically on the walk. Just book your clinic appointment to tie in with Livin's ramble
Since you said you assume I would fly into Geneva, is there a reason that that would be better than Zürich?
No. Sorry, I always used to fly to Geneva for skiing - but then I always used to ski the french alps. Zurich is closer for Sonimodul
Not so handy for the Mont Blanc trek...
I'll be impressed if you find very many parkies who can walk 35 miles at 5 miles an hour.
Flat out, with no stops, that's the 4day option, and that is for serious walkers. Even the 7 day option is tough. I was reminded Paul and Nicki dropped out day 4 and only Colin and Helen finished it. It was very hot.You can take 10 or 14 days which is less strenuous, but a longer holiday and more hotel bills.
I think I could do it in 7days atm
Winnie, are there dedicated hotels along the way? Is there a website that you can share please?
@LivingmyLife, with regards to your question:
I have a love for travel and would love to go, but the way this virus thing is going, I am guessing that I have to believe the most dire predictions. They are saying that 2024 is the earliest that we can travel safely when the worldwide population is expected to be at 80% herd immunity after all the vaccinations. See ya then🇨🇭🇺🇸
I think I am maybe a bit more optimistic on the Covid situation. I think there is a decent chance something like this could happen in September next year
As for a website altitude-montblanc.com/alpe...
It sounds like you’ve done this before. Do you know if it’s feasible to hike with just a few people Independently or as a group or guide required to navigate the trail safely?
I've not done the walk (yet). My wifes brother and Uncle, and their wives did it this year in 7 days. (I've skied Chamonix and visited Mont Blanc). They did an organised tour with a guide. It's not so much an issue of safety as booking accomodation and having their luggage transported. You can do it backpacking and camping if you're keen.
I agree, I was thinking I could do it in seven. There’s even a 10 day option but that’s just a lot of time on the trail. It so darn beautiful though I am a little concerned about the elevation in that I was in Florida. Wondering how to prepare for that
7 days is reasonable for fit experienced walkers. It was stupid hot when my family did it, but Colin & Helen who finished it are regular walkers and very fit. (Paul & Nikki had to stop after 4 days because Nikki injured a toe.
Marc and I were discussing this on the Sunday zoom, and I think I got muddled in the km/miles . Its not 35 miles a day. On a map its about 110 miles - probably about 150-180 miles walked (bends and hills). Say 25 walked miles a day over 7 days. The altitude is ski resort level. They didn't do any altitude training - but it will affect you a bit compared with sea level. If you are fit enough to hike all day in Florida , you'll be fine on the walk. (No alligators to worry about)
Welcome back! We missed you.
Thanks Gio... I've been peeking here and there