I think I was the first person to post a lot of information about Focused Ultrasound, particularly the pallid thalamic tractotomy performed in Switzerland. I went to be assessed last November but was turned down as I’m a single parent and Dr Jeanmonod said I need a break from parenting to recover. I emailed him a month or two ago and asked him to reconsider and he said yes! So I have a week in Switzerland in mid October for the treatment. My symptoms have got a lot worse in the past 6 months so it can’t come soon enough. I just hope that after 20 years with Parkinson’s I haven’t declined too much for the treatment. I don’t know of anyone he has treated who has been living with Parkinson’s for so long.
Finally I have a date for FUS!: I think I... - Cure Parkinson's
Finally I have a date for FUS!

So happy for you! And thank you for bringing this info to Healthunlocked. Keep us posted!
\o/ So pleased for you! Keep us updated please.
Happy for you. Good luck.
Dear Trixiedee, Wishing you all the best!!! Where are you having the FUS? What is the cost?
Many thanks
So glad you finally got an appointment.
I'm not clear. Did he say your appointment is for another evaluation or the procedure?
I'm sure you saw the video posted on Facebook regarding Mrs. Copeland. She was in an advanced stage and I think Lena said they did both sides of her brain, so seems they will do people in advanced stages.
(I'm reposting it here because I think it is inspiring and I'm sure a lot of people missed it.)
I love this video.
So exciting, best of luck to you!
So so happy for you!! Looking forward to following your journey!😊
So pleased for you, look forward to hearing all about your experience and procedure and success.
My very best wishes for a safe and successful trip. Keep us informed please.
Trixie. Without asking you to disclose too much personal information would you be able to hint at where you were able to find 35k especially as a single mother? Good luck with it all btw.
Congrats and keep us posted
Best of luck to you!
May God be with you.🙏🙏
Please document it for us all like Michelle did, if possible. Good luck! SO excited for you! I am hoping I can do this one day when I reach that point.
Trixiedee, you deserve a huge thank-you for being the first person to share this treatment option with us here. I feel that a door has been opened from where light is pouring in. Are you going to have both sides done all at once?
No it’s not recommended to have both sides done at once. I will have to wait at least a year between sides.
Is 35k for both sides or only one? If for only one then the second surgery has the same price or some discount applies? I started to save money and I would like to get an idea.
Best of luck to you.
Fantastic news, Trixie. Best wishes for a successful FUS. Please keep us posted.
Congratulations and best wishes!
Wow, inspirational movie. Good luck Trixiedee! How does this procedure do for cognitive issues?
Cognitive issues exclude you from having PTT
I guess my brain will have to hang in there. thanks.
What cognitive issues do you have? I definitely have some but I passed the cognitive tests
If it's not too personal, can you share what cognitive issues you have that passed the test?
Hi Trixiedee. Glad you have your appointment. I hope that it will make a real difference. Fingers crossed we don't see any more travel problems with covid. I was due to have my assessment in June and will now see when they can fit me in.
Where are you? In the UK?
It’s great that you persisted. I’m excited for you.
We are rooting for you Trix! I hope to follow in your footsteps one day. Prayers for safe travels and smooth procedure.
Good Luck. Be safe.
Good luck